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Skin Allergy – Causes, Symptoms and Ayurvedic Treatment
शीतमारुतसंस्पर्शात प्रदुष्टौ कफमारुतौ l
पित्तेन सह संभूय बहिरन्तर्विसर्पत: l l (मा.नि)
Skin allergy is the condition where the body’s integumentary system responds to some allergens. This condition is caused by various reasons and is manifested by different symptoms from mild rashes to severe itchy and painful skin. Skin allergy includes various diseases like Allergic Dermatitis, Contact Dermatitis, Hives (Urticaria), Psoriasis, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Atopic Dermatitis (Atopic Eczema), Angioedema and Lichen Planus, etc. In Ayurveda, Madhavacharya has explained the conditions called Kotha, Sheethapitha, and Udarda in which similar symptoms are observed. Ayurveda is a lifestyle as well as a treatment method which have included diet, regimen, mental care, and medications along with external procedures for successful management as well as care of skin conditions including skin allergies.
Causes of Skin Allergy
Skin allergy is caused by various factors. They are:-
- Allergy to any specific food
- Exposure to wind
- Exposure to poisonous plants
- Allergy to certain medications
- Any type of infection
- Exposure to any chemicals
- Immune system disorders
Etiology of Sheethapitha, Udarda and Kotha is explained as contact with cold wind. This may result in allergic reactions due to exposure to any allergic substances that is carried through wind.
Symptoms of Skin Allergy
Skin allergy is manifested in many ways. Some common symptoms include:-
- Redness and itching
- Irritating and painful skin
Contact Dermatitis, Eczema and Urticaria are the most common types of Skin Allergy.
Contact Dermatitis
It is the allergic condition of skin manifested by burning sensation, itching, blisters and rashes when the skin comes in contact with any irritants like soap, detergents, jewels, nail polish, paint etc. The allergic reaction occurs on the skin at the point of contact with the allergen.
Eczema commonly affects children than adults. In Eczema, the skin will be dry, itchy and reddish. Mostly there will be oozing also. It may be exacerbated by certain sensitive food items or other allergens.
Urticaria is also called Hives, manifested by red bumps and inflammation. It may be acute or chronic caused by certain infections, medications, food, etc.
Udarda is caused by vitiation of kapha dosha and Sitapitha by vitiation of Vata dosha. Ayurveda explains the symptoms like itching, severe pain, burning sensation, fever, allergic inflammation, reddish discoloration etc.
Ayurvedic Reference of Skin Allergy
“Purification therapies like vamana (emesis), virechana (purgation) and raktamoksha (bloodletting) help in the cure and prevention of recurrence of skin allergy. Dr. Gupta’s Institute of Applied Food Allergy® is successfully managing skin allergies through unique herbal measures along with the classical Ayurvedic methods. Ayurveda is the only natural friendly measure for curing skin allergy completely”.
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Ayurvedic Treatment of Skin Allergy
Ayurveda advocates effective treatment for Skin Allergy. There are internal medicines, external applications, purification therapies, and also single drugs for its fruitful management.
Internal Medicines for Skin Allergy
The following medicines can be administrated after analyzing the condition of the patient:-
- Amritadi Kashaya
- Amritarajanyadi Kashaya
- Tiktaka Kashaya
- Ardrakakhanta
- Manibhadra gula
- Arogyavardhini vati
- Laghusootasekhara vati
External Therapies for Skin Allergy
External application of the following medicines is also very useful.
- Triphala churna
- Paste of Durva and Haridra in ghee
- Dineshavalyadi Kera
Single Herbs Used in Skin Allergy
Single herbs like Haridra (Curcuma longa), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) Durva (Cynodon dactylon), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Nimba (Azadiracta indica), etc. are having a great effect on the management of Skin Allergy.
Diet Management in Skin Allergy
Pathya (Do’s)
- Easily digestible food
- Green gram
- Freshly prepared food
- Vegetables having bitter taste
- Gooseberry
- Pomegranate
- Regular exercise
- Ample sleep
Apathya (Don’ts)
- Excess consumption of Alcohol
- Intake of egg and fish
- Use of milk and milk products
- Excess intake of sugar, jaggery
- Junk food
- Fried food and bakery items
- Use of cold water
- Exposure to wind
Yoga and Pranayama for Skin Allergy
Yogasana is very beneficial to bring comfort to the body as well as the mind in allergic conditions. Following Yogasanas can be followed.
- Sarvangasana
- Uthanasana
- Matsyasana
- Bhujangasana
- Ushtrasana
Pranayama in Skin Allergy
Breathing exercises like Kapalabhedi, Anulom vilom, etc. help in the proper movement of doshas in the body and thus to balance their equilibrium. Moreover, skin diseases are greatly associated with mental peace of the patient. Practice of yoga and pranayama help a lot to achieve the physical and mental stability. This will indirectly aid in the cure of Skin Allergy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What is skin allergy?
Answer: Skin allergy is a medical condition in which body’s integumentary system responds to certain allergens with an allergic reaction causing wide range of symptoms including skin rashes to pruritis.
Question: What is Contact Dermatitis?
Answer: Contact Dermatitis is a type of skin allergy caused by the contact of skin with some allergens. It is manifested by itching and rashes.
Question: What all food items should be avoided by a person having skin allergy?
Answer: Food items like junk food, refrigerated food, alcohol, non-vegetarian diet etc. should be avoided.
Question: Is Ayurveda effective in the treatment of Skin Allergy?
Answer: Yes, Ayurveda can assure complete cure in the management of skin allergy through various internal medicines, purification therapies and diet plan.
Question: Can Ayurveda treat skin allergy?
Answer: Ayurveda is considered as the best and safest option for skin allergy in adults and children as ayurvedic treatment heals the skin permanently by providing long-lasting relief.
Question: What is the cause of skin allergies?
Answer: According to Ayurveda, the cause of skin allergies is impaired digestion. The malfunctioning of the digestive process causes hypersensitivity to certain substances that stimulate an allergic attack.
Question: What are the herbs commonly used in the treatment of skin allergies?
Answer: Some common herbs useful in the treatment of skin allergies are – Neem, Manjistha, Khadira etc. but these must be taken under the supervision of an Ayurvedic expert.
Question: What are the types of skin allergies?
Answer: There are various types of skin allergies such as – contact dermatitis, eczema, urticaria etc.
Question: What is the recommended diet for skin allergies?
Answer: Diet includes easily digestible and freshly prepared food, green gram, vegetables that have bitter taste, gooseberry, pomegranate etc. and diet that must be avoided include excess consumption of alcohol, intake of egg and fish, use of milk and milk products, junk, fried and spicy food.
- Madhava Nidana by Madhavacharya, Sheethapithaudardaokotha Nidana chapter, sloka 1.
- Madhav Nidana – Hindi Translation by Narendranath Shastri, Motilal Banarsidas Pratishthana, Delhi, Chapter 57, pp. 638.
- Brahmananda Tripathi, Charak Samhita – Hindi Translation, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy Varanasi – 2007, Sutrasthana Chapter 4, verse 43, pp. 94.
- Indradev Tripathi, Chakradutta – Hindi Translation, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi. Chapter – 51 Udarda-Kotha-Sheetpitta Chikitsa, pp. 293-294.
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