World's 1st Trusted Ayurvedic Allergy Institute

Key Features:-

  • Natural-friendly treatment and cure through Ayurveda
  • Complete cure for the disease
  • Case management is performed by highly qualified professionals from all over India
  • Perfect diagnosis named the “Pulse Diagnosis” method is another major feature of IAFA®
  • Cost-effective treatment measures
  • Online video consultations with Expert Ayurveda Doctors of IAFA®
  • High-quality Ayurveda and herbal products
  • A combined approach through Ayurveda, Yoga, and Meditation is performed at IAFA®
Why IAFA® is the Best Ayurvedic Treatment Centre for Allergies?

The above-mentioned features are making IAFA® the best in Ayurvedic management of Allergies. The present-day lifestyle is adding unwanted steroid usage and other dangerous treatment methods which are destroying the natural immune system strength. IAFA® has great rejuvenation measures to recover an individual from the side effects of all such unwanted treatment measures. The ancient Ayurvedic methods used at IAFA® help to take out the “Ama” – the unwanted metabolites or undigested food substances from an individual to give great immunity and strength. The treatment measures used at IAFA® for allergies are the best alternative treatment in the World.

How Does IAFA® Help You?


IAFA® is the best Ayurvedic destination for all kinds of food allergies. We treat the root cause of allergies and expel it out of a individual through various natural measures. Food allergies or any other allergies are treated without ruling out the cause in other parallel treatment methods. IAFA® is the best in making an accurate diagnosis and assure the best treatment to attain a complete cure. Dr. Sahil Gupta is the first Ayurvedic doctor to introduce a complete cure to “Food allergies” through Ayurveda. Along with Ayurvedic consultation, IAFA is also conducting awareness programs to make parents aware about the various important aspects of diet and allergies. Such programs conducted by IAFA are helping a lot of individuals to find a solution for various ailments affecting their children. Thousands of our followers have attained cures for food allergy-related problems through successful treatment and care at IAFA.


Skin Allergy management at IAFA® has proved to be the fastest and best in the world. Ayurveda, Yoga, and Meditation are used in combination to cure various conditions. In the case of skin allergy, at IAFA®, we rule out the root cause and assure treatments to expel that particular root cause. The digestive system is given with high consideration and corrected as early as possible to cure any kind of Skin allergies.


IAFA® has also proven to be the best in the Ayurvedic management of Nasal allergies. A complete cure is assured to the patient within a short period of time with a combined course of Ayurvedic internal and external measures along with Yoga and Meditation. The unique “single herb” therapy of Dr. Sahil Gupta is the best and fastest method for curing Nasal allergy.


The best “Fungal infection” management through Ayurveda and other combined measures is the other salient feature of IAFA®. Dr. Sahil Gupta’s IAFA® has developed a unique ” external herbal application” therapy for curing a wide range of fungal infections, especially on Tinea Versicolor. High success rates and short medication period is the other noticeable feature of IAFA® in the management of Fungal infections.


IAFA® is also having a separate wing for Ayurveda pediatric care and management. The best doctors from all over India are working under IAFA Ayurveda® pediatrics to assure the best available Ayurveda treatment. We have also designed a “unique natural vaccination” method to boost the immune system of children in a completely natural way. A comprehensive Ayurvedic approach is used at IAFA® for child care and is considered to be the best Ayurvedic pediatric center in the World.


Institute of Applied Food Allergy® also is producing a wide range of herbal and Ayurvedic preparations for serving our followers with good quality products. All the herbs used for preparations are collected from all over India through high-level quality checks. We are having the facility to deliver our products all over the World within a short period of time. IAFA® products are considered to be the best herbal and Ayurveda products compared to other contemporary products.


IAFA® is using the combined approach by applying Yoga as well as meditation technique for curing various allergic disorders as well as other ailments.


The ancient Ayurvedic measures including the unique “Pulse diagnosis” is making IAFA® as an outstanding name in Ayurvedic curing of Allergies and Pediatric conditions.

Online video consultations and awareness programs are also conducted by IAFA® for the promotion of Ayurveda and Yoga around the globe. IAFA® is also considered to be the best Ayurvedic destination for general Ayurveda wellness treatment and rejuvenation measures. Dr. Sahil Gupta’s experience and knowledge combined with hundreds of talented medical professionals is a blessing for IAFA by the “Apurva Vaidya” – Our Creator, to care, cure, and millions of individuals through naturally friendly measures.

Reach IAFA® for feeling the real natural healing!!!

So IAFA Root-Cause Treatment of Your Allergies is Just 3 Steps Away!

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02. Consult With Us

Dr. Gupta a certified Ayurvedic Allergist Consultant

Root Cause Treatment Available at IAFA Ayurveda®

03. Root Cause Treatment

Get an accurate diagnosis, medicines, diet & lifestyle change

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