World's 1st Trusted Ayurvedic Allergy Institute

How Does IAFA® Help in the Diagnosis of Allergy?

Allergy Consultation at IAFA Ayurveda® aims at reaching the correct diagnosis and management for each case. The modern system is offering only symptomatic relief, especially in cases of allergic disorders. IAFA Ayurveda® identifies the root cause of Allergies through various diagnostic methods mentioned in Ayurvedic science.

Dr. Sahil Gupta (CEO and Founder of IAFA Ayurveda®) has 15 years of experience. He is one of the best Ayurvedic Allergy specialists in India as well as abroad. He has treated thousands of patients who were suffering from Allergies. He is using an integrated approach in the management of allergic disorders.

General Examination (Rogi Pareeksha and Roga Pareeksha) at IAFA®

IAFA® is following a general examination initially as per Ayurveda to identify the basic nature of an individual based on Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha.

The General Examination Includes:-

  • Darshana Pareeksha (Physical examination through observation to identify the general details)
  • Sparshana Pareeksha (To identify the temperature changes and nature of the individual touch examination of different types are made as per Ayurveda)
  • Prashna Pareeksha (Asking required questions as per Ayurveda to identify the diet, regimen, and other certain personal details)

Identifying the Factors Named:-

  • Nidana (Root Cause)
  • Pragrupa or Poorvarupa (Prodromal Symptoms)
  • Rupa (Signs and Symptoms)
  • Upasaya (Identifying the precipitating and healing factors of a condition)
  • Samprapti (Identifying the manifestation process of disease based on Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), is also the initial aim of IAFA® professionals.

Tenfold Examination (Dashavidha Pareeksha) at IAFA®

After general diagnosis, IAFA® is using the tenfold examination mentioned – As per Ayurveda. In general, there are two variants of tenfold examinations. The first variant is mentioned in Charaka Samhita and the second variant is mentioned in Ashtanga Hrudaya.

Tenfold Examination in Charaka Samhita

  • Prakruti (Constitution of the body)
  • Vikruti (Pathological examination)
  • Sara (Examination of elemental tissue & mind)
  • Samhanana (Examination of compactness of body)
  • Pramana (Measurement of an individual in total)
  • Satmya (Suitable regimens and routines)
  • Satva (Examination of the mental constitution)
  • Aharashakti (Examination of digestive power) 
  • Vyayamashakti (Examination of strength by exercise)
  • Vaya (Examination of age)

Tenfold Examination in Ashtanga Hrudaya

  • Dooshayam (Vitiated tissue)
  • Desham (The body and the living area)
  • Balam (General strength)
  • Kalam (General seasons and state within an individual)
  • Analam (Digestion power)
  • Prakriti (General constitution)
  • Vaya (Age)
  • Satvam (Mind)
  • Satmyam (Suitable routine and regimen)
  • Aharaavastha (Feel to have food) is the tenfold examination performed at IAFA based on Ashtanga Hrudaya.

Eightfold Examinations (Ashtavidha Pariksha) Including Pulse Diagnosis in Allergy

Eightfold Examinations (Ashtavidha Pariksha) is the major and unique diagnosing method used at IAFA®. This method helps in understanding an individual completely. The somatic, as well as psychic levels of the individual, can be attained by performing unique IAFA Ashtavidha Pariksha including Pulse Diagnosis.

The Examinations Included Under Eightfold Examinations (Ashtavidha Pariksha) are:-

  • Pulse Diagnosis or Pulse Examination (Nadi Pariksha)
  • Tongue Examination (Jihwa Pariksha)
  • Stool Examination (Mala Pariksha)
  • Urine Examination (Mootra Pariksha)
  • Sound Examination (Sabda Pariksha)
  • Touch Examination (Sparsha Pariksha)
  • Eye Examination (Drik Pariksha)
  • General Built and Appearance Examination (Akruti Pariksha)

Dr. Sahil Gupta – The Master in Pulse Diagnosis

Dr. Sahil Gupta is blessed with the ability to understand the constitution of an individual by mere observation. Pulse examination or pulse diagnosis is performed by Dr. Gupta to get a clear diagnosis from the patient. All the medical experts at IAFA are trained in pulse diagnosis. Under the leadership of Dr. Gupta, IAFA has treated more than 50000 allergic disorders and other general conditions diagnosed using Pulse diagnosis along with other examinations. Click here to read case studies.


The Key Examination Method at IAFA® – Ashtavidha Pariksha

Ashtavidha Pariksha helps to assess the present state of doshas, especially in the condition of a disease. Each assessment is made based on the levels of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha respectively. Dr. Gupta is diagnosing various allergies accurately based on Ashtavidha Pareeksha especially Nadi Pareeksha or Pulse diagnosis. Food allergy, skin allergy, nasal allergy, and fungal infections are diagnosed with the proper understanding of the present level of various dosha distribution. The pulse diagnosis made at IAFA is accurate and helps to design the appropriate treatment measures to add a complete cure to a patient.

Importance of Eightfold Examination in Allergy

Nadi Pareeksha

Based on the gati (movement) of nadi (pulse), the predominance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha is identified. This diagnosis measure helps to identity the pathology within an individual. Dr. Gupta have developed a unique pulse diagnosis technique to identity the allergic disorders.

Mootra Pareeksha

Urine examination also has great involvement in understanding an allergic disorder. The nature of urine shows the predominant dosha involved in causing various allergies. Dr. Sahil Gupta have developed a well established laboratory at IAFA for assuring the best quality Ayurvedic analysis.

Mala Pareeksha

The nature of stool is very important to identify the predominance of dosha in each allergic disorders. Based on Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha predominance the nature of stool or fecal matter varies. IAFA has great facilities to examine stool based on Ayurveda criteria to assure a perfect diagnosis and treatment.

Jihwa Pareeksha

The nature of tongue is clearly observed to note the dosha level within an individual. Tongue examination gives accurate levels of doshas and helps to diagnose various allergy conditions. As per Dr. Sahil Gupta’s observation each allergic disorders shows unique pattern on changes on tongue. Tongue examination helps to get vast details of the allergicdisorders and nature of an individual.

Sabda Pareeksha

The Sabda Pareeksha or Voice or Sound examination also is very important in diagnosing allergies. Based on Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha the voice as well as sound of different body part varies. IAFA have conducted detailed studies to identify the dosha predominance by assessing voice and sounds from different body parts to give an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Drik Pareeksha

The unique Eye examination performed at IAFA gives clear diagnosis of different allergic conditions. Dr. Sahil Gupta was trained under the ancient Ashtavidha Pareeksha under various Ayurveda pulse diagnosis professionals and have designed his own method of eightfold examination for obtaining the accurate diagnosis and assuring the apt treatment.

Sparsha Pareeksa

The touch examination is very important in case of diagnosing allergies. Dosha predominance can be identified with high accuracy by giving a touch examination. Sparsha Pareeksha of different areas performed at IAFA as a part of allergic disorder diagnosis. Based on Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha predominance the touch examination gives a clear picture of allergy and associated symptoms.

Akruti Pareeksha

The Akruti Pareeksha or Built examination or Shape examination, aims at understanding the prakruti (basic constitution) as well as vikruti (misbalance of doshas) within an individual. IAFA have conducted long term research program to establish the relationship between doshas and Akruti of an individual.

Dr. Sahil Gupta is the best in Ayurvedic Allergic disorder management. The skill of diagnosing perfectly makes Dr. Gupta unique from other Ayurveda specialists. Very fast and accurate diagnosis along with best treatments for allergic conditions like Skin allergy, Food allergy, and Skin allergy along with a wide range of infections such as fungal infections and bacterial infections can be only experienced at IAFA.

Get diagnosed perfectly for attaining a faster healing through IAFA natural measures which are mentioned in Ayurveda!!!

Case Studies

Real Case Studies of Successfully Treated Patients from All Around the World by IAFA Ayurveda®

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