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Bedwetting is an embarrassing habit in some children where they are unable to control urination while asleep. It is also called nighttime incontinence or nocturnal enuresis. It is a part of a child’s development and can be considered serious if a child beyond 7 years of age is still having this habit. The condition is slightly more common in boys than in girls. Though this is a distressing situation, a calm and composed approach is required for its management.
Dr. Gupta’s IAFA is offering such a serene handling of bed wetting in children through Ayurveda. IAFA is the ultimate destination for such behavioral modifications of children. Ayurveda considers the condition of bed wetting as Shayyamutra. The word means urination on bed.
Causes of Bed Wetting
Though the exact reason is unknown, bedwetting may be caused by a variety of reasons as listed below:
- Genetic – Enuresis can get inherited through family
- Slow development of control over the brain-bladder connection
- Reduced bladder capacity
- Increased production of urine by Kidneys.
- Type 1 Diabetes
- Sleep disorders
- Pressure over bladder by constipation
- Mental stress and anxiety
Ayurveda says that the reason for bedwetting is the abnormality with the Apana Vata that controls the functions of the evacuation of feces and urine. Also Vata is responsible for controlling the mental functions. So, improper functioning of Vata dosha results in physical and psychological abnormalities.
Types of Bedwetting
There are mainly 2 types of bedwetting. Treatment and care depend on the type of enuresis.
1. Primary nocturnal enuresis
Continuous bedwetting without any periods of dryness.
Causes of Primary Enuresis
- Bladder neck obstruction
- Psychosocial factors
- Genetic factors
- Sleep disorders
2. Secondary nocturnal enuresis
Restarting bedwetting after a break of 6 months of dry nights. It may be caused by some stressful events.
Causes of Secondary Enuresis
- Urinary tract infection
- Emotional and stressful conditions
- Birth of sibling
- Death in family
- Change in house
- Diabetes
Ayurvedic Reference of Bed Wetting (Shayyamutra)
रात्रौस्वप्नाव्स्यायांशय्यागतेबाले l
अक्षीणपूर्वकंमूत्रयतिदोषप्रभावात् l l

“Dr. Gupta’s IAFA is offering such a serene handling of bed wetting in children through Ayurveda. IAFA is dedicated in do away with your child’s distressing situation with the support of Ayurveda. Institute of Applied Food Allergy® is the ultimate destination for such behavioral modifications of children.
Reach IAFA for rejuvenation of your child naturally!!!
– Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)
Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist
CEO & Founder of IAFA®
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Ayurvedic Treatment of Bedwetting
Bedwetting should be treated by considering the reason. If there are any underlying pathologies related to urinary, digestive or psychological system, it should be corrected. Treatment includes internal medicines as well as physical training to pass urine.
Internal Medicines
- Brahmi Ghrta
- Saraswatha Ghrta
- Mahasaraswatha Ghrta
- Krimighna Vati
- Indukantha Ghrta
- Chyavanaprasha
- Gorochanadi Gulika
- Krumighna Vati
- Aswagandha Churna
External Medicines
- Lakshadi Taila
- Blaaswagandhadi Taila
- Ksheerabala Taila
- Jivantyadi Churna
External Therapies
- Abhyanga (Oil massage)
- Avagaha (Hip bath)
- Siro Dhara (Pouring medicated liquids over forehead)
- Siro Pichu (Holding cotton immersed in medicated oil on scalp)
Single Herbs Used in Bedwetting – As Per Ayurveda
- Bimbi moola (Root of Coccinia grandis)
- Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica)
- Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
- Aswagandha (Withania somnifera)
Diet in Bedwetting
Do’s (Pathya)
- Nutritious diet
- Easily digestible food
- Peaceful family atmosphere
- Active games and play
- Proper child care
- Bladder training
- Regular urination before going to sleep
Don’ts (Apathya)
- Inadequate food
- Excess drinking of water at night
- Airconditioned room
- Stressful situations to child
- Unwanted blaming and strictness towards child
- Lack of care and compassion towards child
Yoga and Pranayama for Bedwetting
Certain yoga asanas (postures) help to strengthen the urinary system and to achieve urine control. Practice of such postures helps the children to get relief from bedwetting. Following yoga postures can be helpful:
- Utkatasana
- Trikonasana
- Malasana
- Sakrasana
- Sarvangasana
- Savasana
- Surya namaskar
Pranayama helps to make the vitiated Vata under control. Since vata is directly involved in Bedwetting, pranayama helps a lot to relieve the condition. It also provides calmness to mind that reduces stress and anxiety.

Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What is bedwetting?
Answer: Bedwetting is the condition seen in children, where they pass urine unknowingly while sleeping. It is to be considered as a medical condition only if children beyond 7 years of age have this habit.
Question: What are the causes of Bedwetting?
Answer: Bedwetting is caused by various reasons. It includes urinary problems, psychological concerns or genetic factors.
Question: Is Ayurveda beneficial in treating Bedwetting?
Answer: Yes. Ayurveda has effective management protocol for bedwetting that includes internal medicines, external medicines and external therapies.
Question: What is bed wetting in children?
Answer: In Ayurveda, bed wetting is known as Shayyamutra. It is a behavioral problem and one of the most common chronic problems in childhood next to allergic disorders.
Question: What is the cause of bedwetting?
Answer: In bed wetting, there is mainly the vitiation of Vata dosha (Apana Vayu), Pitta dosha (Pachak Pitta) and Kapha dosha (Tarpaka Kapha) along with mansik dosha (psychological disorder). Therefore, the vitiation of Mutravaha and Manovaha srotas leads to untimely and increased frequency of urine at night.
Question: How is Ayurvedic treatment useful in bed wetting in children?
Answer: Ayurvedic treatment follows a holistic approach where safe herbal treatment is given along with psychological counseling for both parents and kids.
Question: What are the herbs available in Ayurveda for the treatment of bed wetting in children?
Answer: There are various herbs such as – Bimbi (Coccinia indica), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Khadira (Acacia catechu), Kataka (Strychnos potatorum), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) etc. To give mental strength, herbs such as Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is given.
Dr. Gupta’s IAFA is dedicated in do away with your child’s distressing situation with the support of Ayurveda. IAFA is serving pure Ayurvedic treatment that ensures getting complete relief from your ill health.
Reach IAFA for rejuvenation of your child naturally!!!
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