Personal Information on Dr.Sahil Gupta
Birth Place: Gohana, Delhi NCR, India
Date of birth: 24-August-1985
Official Address: IAFA For Allergy, Plot No. 26, Sector-7 HUDA, Gohana, Haryana, India – 131301 (60 minutes drive from Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi)
Contact Details
Phone: +91-9612180000
Languages: English and Hindi
Dr. Sahil Gupta is the founder and CEO of IAFA®, the Institute of Applied Food Allergy®. Dr Sahil Gupta completed his bachelor’s in Ayurveda and Masters in Health Administration. Dr Gupta was familiar with ayurvedic principles even before his graduation. His enthusiasm and curiosity to learn more about this ancient miraculous Ayurveda made him choose his bachelor’s in ayurvedic medicine.
He gained theoretical and practical knowledge from his gurus during graduation. He started applying them frequently during his consultation practices. Everything was fine until he realised that most of his patients were suffering from food allergies, so, he dug deeper, read some ayurvedic granthas and consulted his gurus, and finally came to a conclusion that the basic cause for any kind of allergies is the food that we consume. Wrong combinations, wrong food, viruddh aahar, and eating tamasic food make imbalances in the three doshas of our body leading to many health issues. That made him think about setting up something that could treat the patients with allergies and give them a happier and healthier life. This is the motto behind the birth of IAFA®.
This is all how it started, IAFA® which is now dealing with patients with skin allergies, nasal allergies, food allergies, food intolerance, milk allergies, lactose intolerance and many more from all around the world. Dr Sahil Gupta has fruitful knowledge about allergies and how they can be treated. Dr Gupta now has treated more than 50000+ patients and, still counting on. No one patient has been dissatisfied with the therapy of Dr Gupta and the consultation services provided by the team IAFA®.
“Your health is our priority”. These are the words of our beloved founder of IAFA®, Dr Sahil Gupta. The best thing about Dr Gupta is you can get treated by an Ayurvedic allergy specialist who has more than 14+ years of experience and is certified by the Indian council of medicine. Don’t get yourself tricked by the online doctors who have been flooded all over the Internet making fake promises. Before you get a consultation, check whether he is certified and experienced. Because as we always say ” your health is our priority”.
Dr. Sahil Gupta also has hands-on experience in dealing with patients, patient counselling, disease diagnosis, and proper therapy indication and management of the disease. He has his masters in hospital administration which is a live example of this. You can even get to know about his consultation with the patients in their own words. Please check out our successful case studies where you can witness plenty of success stories of patients who got treated from IAFA®.
No matter how much we tell you about the professional personality of Dr Gupta applying the ancient ayurvedic miracle and blending it with the yogic asanas and personalised ayurvedic diet, it would be less. His therapy is booming over the globe and many patients from the USA, Europe, Australia, and Canada are reporting to IAFA® to get treated for their allergies.
Dr Sahil Gupta has also written two Ayurvedic granthas. One is “Child Health and Ayurveda” and the other is “Ayurvedic Aspects of Allergies and Fungal Infections”. If you want to read and get a glimpse of knowledge about Ayurveda, you can buy them here. These books are written in a way to get understood by the common man and the common health issues faced by children and the allergies that haunt us and how they are related to Ayurveda.
Dr Sahil Gupta’s main purpose is to spread awareness about the ancient Ayurveda and how one can be treated with the use of ancient ayurvedic herbs. He wants his patients to live happy and healthier lives free from all kinds of allergies. You can Book an online consultation with Dr. Gupta to get your allergies treated.

Aims of Dr. Sahil Gupta
- Treating all kinds of allergies viz., food allergies, nasal allergies and skin allergies by using ancient Ayurvedic miraculous treatment.
- Making the authentic and highest quality herbal products available worldwide through IAFA.
- Helping children to live happily without any kind of milk intolerance and milk allergies through his attentive care and therapy for the children.
- Generating awareness about the ayurvedic diet and helping his patients to follow an Ayurvedic diet effortlessly.
- Taking the 5000 years old Ayurveda to every corner of the world.
- Elevating wisdom about Ayurveda and clearing the misconceptions about it through his content on YouTube and blogs.
- His most important aim is to bring Ayurveda into the limelight and letting the world know its miracles.
Books Written by Dr. Sahil Gupta

Book on Ayurvedic Aspects of Allergies and Fungal Infections
This book will help common people to understand the Ayurvedic approach in cases of allergies and fungal infections. It comprises 50 chapters depicting various food, skin, nasal allergies, and fungal infections.

Book on Child Health and Ayurveda
This book will help people around the globe in managing as well as understanding the wide range of conditions related to child health through Ayurveda. It comprises 50 chapters depicting various child-related facts as well as health conditions.

IAFA’S Participation in ASCIA 2021 Conference
Dr. Sahil Gupta along with other two doctors namely Lalita Jindal and Sabapathi Subiramanian gave a poster presentation on Ayurveda (The Ancient Indian Science Of Life) as an alternative approach to allergy management Indian subcontinent at the ASCIA 2021 conference defining the Ayurvedic context of allergies and how miraculously it is treating various kinds of allergies with the ancient herbs in the Indian subcontinent. Dr Gupta and the other two doctors tried to spread awareness about the ancient Ayurveda around the world.
Other International Relations
- Started IAFA project in Russian Federation and IAFA professionals are providing direct service in the Russian Federation.
- Dr. Sahil Gupta created awareness programs and conducted consultations in the USA.
- IAFA’s highest quality herbal products are delivered worldwide.

Swami Vivekananda – A Monk who Popularized Yoga in West more than 125 Years Ago
Dr. Gupta’s visit at AJIT-VIVEK MUSEUM (Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Smriti Mandir), Khetri, Rajasthan. Dr. Gupta is leading IAFA with the combined effort of Yoga and Ayurveda. Giving the benefits of Yoga to the world is one among his prime aim.
Speech for Parents of Children with Special Needs
Dr. Gupta delivering speech at an awareness programconductedat Alpine Hospital, Haryana for parents of children with special needs. He is conducting various awareness programs and charity to the welfare of certain communities, who are in need of all level support to be a part of the our society.

Dr. Gupta delivering speech at a national level conference on Allergies at JCI, New Delhi. He is interested in sharing all his valuable knowledge to the upcoming generation for the promotion of real knowledge.
Dr. Sahil Gupta has been Awarded ‘Certificate of Publication’ after Submission of Research Paper in the prestigious International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR).

Live Interview of Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.) on the Facebook Page of Ariel Ayurveda from Quebec, Canada
We are grateful and proud to share that Dr Sahil Gupta, the CEO and founder of IAFA, Ayurveda, India was on live with Ariel Ayurveda, Quebec, Canada. And gave an insightful interview about allergies and especially child allergies. He discussed various aspects of Ayurveda and how Ayurveda plays a key role in treating various diseases in children and helping them to prevent future allergies.
Apart from Ayurvedic significance, Dr Sahil Gupta focused on the importance of Ayurveda in child allergies. Dr Gupta stressed the following queries and busted some myths related to Child Allergies.
- How does Ayurveda help you to deal with Allergies in children?
- What are the causes of Childhood Allergies?
- How to cope with recurrent episodes of Allergies and Anaphylaxis in children?
- Can a child who’s having multiple Allergies introduce food allergens again in life without any allergic reaction?
- How can we prevent our children from entering the world of allergies?
- What should be the prenatal guidelines for a healthy body?
Such awesome insights, right? A lot more in the interview. If you want to have a glimpse of it, here’s the video, please check it.
Dr. Sahil Gupta Shared Health Tips in Podcast at Famous YouTube Channel – @MasterJikiBaithak
Dr. Sahil Gupta shared health tips in Podcast at Famous YouTube Channel – @MasterJikiBaithak on Topic – How fast food and other eating habits are becoming the cause of many diseases in our children. He also talks about how we can identify that we are allergic to food. He talks about the myths related to feeding babies.
Present Responsibilities
- Dr. Sahil Gupta, as the CEO and founder of IAFA, is providing services inside India and abroad. The whole IAFA centre is run under the guidance of Dr. Gupta along with the participation of more than fifty medical professionals from all over Indiaand foreign countries. IAFA presently is providing Ayurveda and Yoga management of Allergic disorders, Pediatricconditions and other general disorders management along with wellness treatment.
- Dr. Gupta also is the head of IAFA manufacturing unit. IAFA is manufacturing good qualityclassical Ayurveda and herbal products. The products are having ingredients which have gone through high level quality checkto assure best results to all our followers.
- Dr. Gupta is also into medical writings and researches. Recently he have completed writing of two books on Allergic disorders and Pediatrics. The books are on final stage of publishing. He has also published a case study on Maxillary Sinus Aspergillosis to prove the curing ability of Ayurveda in treating chronic conditions. His researches on Food allergies, Skin allergies and Nasal allergies also will be soon published By IAFA officially for adding Ayuvedic knowledge awareness to all individuals.
- Presenly Dr. Gupta is also conducting Video consultations and courses all over the world. The courses include short term Ayurveda and Yoga learning through video lessons. Dr. Gupta also will be soon visiting Canada and Russian Federation for conducting awareness programs and consultations.
- Dr. Sahil Gupta, called the name ‘Ayurvedic gem’ is a perfect example for a complete Ayurveda follower and propagator. He is anincarnation presented on Mother Earth forteaching natural friendly lifestyle to allthrough his deep Ayurveda and Yoga knowledge.
Real Testimonials and Case Studies
Real Case Studies of Successfully Treated Patients from All Around the World by IAFA Ayurveda®

“IAFA team very keen to take follow-ups during the treatment course. I highly recommend them to friends and family.”

“All Thanks to IAFA Team and Dr. Sahil Gupta. Best treatment for allergy. My son is better now.”

“I am So gratefull to Dr. Gupta and the IAFA Team. Please if you suffer from allergies reach out to them.”

“Truly appreciate the knowledge of allergies and different ailments by doctor as well as the humanistic and realistic approach.”