Imbalance of Gut Microbiome is the Root Cause of Several Childhood Allergies

Dysbiosis, defined as an imbalance in the microbiome of the gut, is …

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Dysbiosis, defined as an imbalance in the microbiome of the gut, is considered the main culprit behind major childhood allergies like eczema, asthma, food allergies, and hay fever. A recent study at the University of British Columbia, Canada has found that gut microbiome features and early life influences are associated with the development of these four common allergies.

Scientific research papers are revealing these facts now but this is backed by Ayurveda 5000 years back. This is what Ayurveda always says and believes in, The Root Cause of Childhood Allergies is due to the imbalance of microbes in the gut.

Do You Know? –  Our body is an abode of trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi thriving inside the gut and skin, some of them cause severe illnesses whereas some are extremely useful and vital for our health. However, any Imbalance of the Gut Microbiome can lead to serious health consequences.

How Does Imbalance in the Gut Microbiome Can Cause Allergies?

We have more bacteria than human cells, scientific studies show that there are more than 40 trillion bacteria present in our body whereas we have only 30 trillion human cells. We have the potential to thrive the bacteria well in our body.

But altogether, what causes this imbalance, and why it leads to major childhood allergic reactions? Let’s get to know about it in detail.

Factors Related to the Imbalance of Gut Microbiome in Children:-

  • Diet of infants
  • How the infant is born
  • Where they live
  • Exposure of babies to medicines like antibiotics.

Studies show that excessive usage of antibiotics in the first 6 months can alter the gut microbiome and damage it, increasing the inflammatory response by our immune system. However, it is said that breastfeeding the baby in the prior months can strengthen the immune system and also maintain good gut bacteria.

What Does Ayurveda Say About It?

Ayurveda places great emphasis on the digestive fire, or “Agni,” which is responsible for breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste. A balanced agni is believed to be essential for overall health. When Agni is imbalanced, it can lead to the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body, which may contribute to various health issues, including allergies. Ayurveda firmly believes that the Causes of Childhood Allergies are imbalanced doshas, imbalanced gut microbiome, and weakened immune system.

Consuming foods that alter the balance of doshas and gut microbiomes can lead to imbalances and cause allergies. As per Ayurveda, a healthy and well-balanced diet is the key to balancing the gut microbiome and improving Agni, the digestive fire.

Also Read:- What is Gut Dysbiosis And How to Heal It?

Tips to Improve Gut Health

1. Eat Mindfully and Regularly:- Consume your meals in a calm and peaceful environment. Chew your food thoroughly to aid in the digestive process and Stick to a regular eating schedule with consistent meal times.

2. Diet According to Your Dosha:- Ayurveda categorizes individuals into different dosha types: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Adjust your diet to align with your dosha, as each dosha has specific dietary recommendations.

3. Favour Whole Foods:- Choose whole, unprocessed foods over heavily processed and packaged items. Opt for fresh, organic, and locally sourced ingredients whenever possible.

4. Warm and Cooked Foods:- Ayurveda generally recommends warm, cooked foods, as they are easier to digest than cold, raw foods. Use digestive spices like ginger, cumin, coriander, and fennel in your cooking to enhance digestion and Relieve the Imbalanced Gut Microbiome.

5. Stay Hydrated:- Drink room temperature or warm water throughout the day to support digestion. Herbal teas like ginger or fennel tea can also be beneficial.

6. Avoid Overeating:- Practice portion control to prevent overloading your digestive system. Leave some room in your stomach after eating to aid digestion.

7. Detoxify Regularly:- Consider periodic detoxification (Panchakarma) under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner to remove accumulated toxins (ama) from the body.

8. Proper Food Combinations:- Be mindful of food combinations. Some combinations can hinder digestion and create toxins. For example, avoid combining dairy with sour fruits.

9. Herbal Supplements:- Ayurveda offers various herbal supplements to improve digestion, such as Triphala, Curcumin, or licorice. These herbs Relieve Imbalanced Gut Microbiome.

10. Yoga and Exercise:- Regular physical activity, especially yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises), can help improve digestion and reduce stress, which can negatively affect gut health.

11. Meditation and Stress Reduction:- High stress levels can disrupt digestion. Practice meditation and relaxation techniques to manage stress.

12. Maintain a Routine:- Ayurveda encourages a daily routine (Dinacharya) to create stability in your life, including regular sleep, exercise, and meals.

13. Probiotics and Prebiotics:- Incorporate naturally fermented foods like yogurt into your diet to promote healthy gut bacteria. Consume prebiotic-rich foods like garlic, and onions to support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

14. Ayurvedic Cleansing Practices:- Some Ayurvedic practices like tongue scraping, “Jihwa Prakshalana” or “Jiva Sodhana” and oil pulling can help eliminate toxins and improve oral and gut health.

Relieve Imbalanced Gut Microbiome at IAFA Ayurveda

IAFA Ayurveda offers below given herbal medicines that relieve imbalanced gut microbiome naturally:-

  • Aahar Amrutham Ras
  • Aahar Amrutham Gulika
  • Aahar Amrutham Bindu
  • Aahar Amrutham Chai
  • IAFA Triphala Swaras
  • IAFA Shishu Laxoherb
  • IAFA Aam Visha Balance tablet

Final Verdict

Ayurveda is 5000 years old and has been preaching the same in its books, that an imbalance in the gut microbiome is the main causative agent for major childhood allergies. Childhood allergies are of course very threatening, as children have to go through a lot of discomfort and parents worry a lot about the solution for their children’s problems.

Consult Online with Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

We at IAFA Ayurveda have seen many parents saying the same that, they went to many hospitals but none recognized the reason behind his/her child’s allergies, but Dr. Sahil Gupta who’s an expert at it, confirms that childhood allergies arise in the gut, imbalance in the gut microbiome is the culprit and around 90% of our medicines revolve around the same, correcting the imbalanced gut microbiome, and improving ‘Agni’, the digestive fire. So, don’t suffer more, Book your appointment for a consultation now.

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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