Pityriasis Versicolor Treatment in California

Your search related to Pityriasis Versicolor Treatment in California ends here. We at IAFA® provide effective medications for the same.

Malassezia fungus that cause pityriasis versicolor routinely dwell on the skin and are not harmful. However, some people are more susceptible to this pathogen replicating and dispersing on their skin than others, resulting in a rash. The fungus frequently multiplies and creates inflammation for no obvious reason. Sunny, hot, or humid conditions appear to cause the germ to grow on the skin in certain circumstances. It may be more prevalent in persons who sweat more.

Pityriasis Versicolor in California is a rather common skin condition. It is more prevalent in adults in their twenties and thirties. Tinea versicolor is another name for it.

It may vanish in the winter and reappear in the summer.

Read – Treatment of Pityriasis Versicolor in the United States

Causes of Pityriasis Versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor is a common external fungal illness caused by Malassezia genus saprophytic, lipid-dependent yeasts. Malassezia is a typical skin fungus; regardless, in pityriasis versicolor, this fungus converts from yeast cells to a pathogenic mycelial form. Hot and humid environments, hyperhidrosis, topical skin oils, a hereditary predisposition, immunocompromised patients, those using an oral contraceptive medication, and malnourished individuals can all cause this.

Because Malassezia is lipid-dependent, it frequently manifests in regions with higher sebum production. As a result of increased sebum production, the upper body is commonly impacted, as is pityriasis in teenagers.

Symptoms of Pityriasis Versicolor

  • Patches
  • Mild erythema
  • Macules
  • Fine scale
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Thin plaques
  • Mild pruritus
  • Hypopigmentation
  • Lesions are typically tiny, but they commonly combine to form bigger areas.

Prevention of Pityriasis Versicolor

It might be difficult to keep this problem from recurring. A few precautions can be taken to avoid infection. These are some examples:

  • Avoiding overheating
  • Avoiding sunbathing or overexposure to the sun
  • Avoiding excessive perspiration

As per Ayurveda, such fungal infections and symptoms are caused by a Kapha and Vata dosha imbalance. Rikshajihva is a common diagnosis.

Ayurvedic home remedies, together with dietary and lifestyle modifications, aid in the treatment of fungal infections and speed up the healing process.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Pityriasis Versicolor

Because the condition is caused by a major pervert of Kapha and Rakata, steps are taken to initially pacify these two doshas.

Ayurveda contains several herbs that treat skin illnesses and are also highly helpful in tinea infections. They also assist to prevent the condition from recurring.

Another key aspect in avoiding fungal / tinea infections is personal cleanliness.

Pityriasis Versicolor Treatment

Hot weather, humid environments, excessive perspiration, hormonal fluctuations, and other variables all contribute to the formation of Malassezia, the fungus that induces Pityriasis Versicolor. These discolored areas on your skin undermine your confidence and negatively impact the look of your skin. Fortunately, Pityriasis Versicolor Treatment not only includes medical treatment but also home cures. If you prefer to have an at-home, natural treatment, here are a few ingredients, which you can find easily at home that can help you treat for Tinea versicolor.

1) Aloe Vera

Because of its numerous advantages, Aloe Vera is popular in all families. Aloe Vera is well recognized for healing irritated skin and is an element that may treat practically any problem. It contains Vitamin B12, which is beneficial in the treatment of Tinea versicolor, as well as anti-inflammatory and alkalizing characteristics that can help calm the afflicted region and prevent the fungus from spreading.

2) Neem

The bitter leaves of neem trees work wonders in curing many skin ailments. It has various antibacterial qualities, making it an excellent treatment for Pityriasis Versicolor.

3) Yogurt

Yogurt can be applied to the afflicted region to help neutralize the yeast overabundance that is the major cause of Pityriasis Versicolor. Yogurt contains probiotics, which aid in the control of fungus development.

4) Turmeric

Turmeric is a versatile culinary remedy that may be utilized in a variety of ways. For people suffering from Pityriasis Versicolor, spreading turmeric paste to the afflicted region might help reduce inflammation, itching, and pigmentation. Turmeric can provide you with immediate relief from all of your ailments.

5) Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer and skin conditioner. Coconut oil is an organic antifungal agent that can fight and prevent fungal infections.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes in Pityriasis Versicolor

If you have Pityriasis Versicolor, you must pay special attention to your nutrition.

Following are two checklists of foods that you should consume more of and foods that you should avoid if you have Pityriasis Versicolor. Examine it out.

What to Eat

  • Yogurt with probiotics
  • Low-carb foods such as avocados, green beans, broccoli, and so on.
  • Fish, pork, eggs, and poultry are high in protein.
  • Garlic

What to Avoid

  • Alcohol
  • Vinegar
  • Nuts
  • Fruits


Tinea infections are quite frequent and can affect people of any age. Proper cleanliness, routine health care, and a getaway from allergenic substances are simple strategies to avoid this sickness. If you have any doubts, you can consult our health experts online at IAFA® to receive answers to your query.

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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