How to Get Rid of Chest Congestion Fast at Home?

Chest congestion is more common during winters, with people having weakened immunity and people with dominant vata and Kapha doshas. Don’t worry, here’s how you can manage severe chest congestion naturally. 

If you’re experiencing a persistent cough with more phlegm then know that you’ve chest congestion, that is mucus has accumulated in your chest, which left untreated can lead to serious complications and can also impact your quality of life and daily life activities.

So, through this blog, we will share with you certain tips, natural home remedies, and herbal medicines to Get Rid of Chest Congestion. Chest congestion is more common during winters, with people having weakened immunity and people with dominant vata and Kapha doshas. Don’t worry, here’s how you can manage severe chest congestion naturally. 

Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Chest Congestion

1. Steam Inhalation:- Warm water with essential oils like eucalyptus oil or vapour rub can have an expectorant effect on your throat and chest and aids in removing excess mucus from your chest. 

2. Herbal Teas:- Herbal teas are a great way to get rid of chest congestion instantly. They provide relief from excess mucus and irritation while breathing and effectively reduce chest congestion. 

3. Tea with Ginger and Honey:- Ginger and honey are well known for their expectorant properties and have been widely used in various ayurvedic herbal medications for the treatment of chest congestion. So you can sip on teas made with ginger and honey. 

4. Gargle with Salt Water:- Gargling with salt water and flushing out the excess phlegm from your throat can slowly clean up the mucus from your chest and provide relief from chest congestion. 

5. Eat Spicy Foods:- Foods with peppers and chillies can help in clearing the blocked sinus and bronchial tubes helping to Get Rid of Chest Congestion. 

6. Herbal Nasal Drops:- These Nasal drops are made of potent herbs that provide relief from respiratory tract Infections. They have zero chemicals so safer to use in children and elderly patients too. 

We will discuss some of IAFA’s curated herbal medications for the treatment of chest congestion. 

Herbal Medications for Chest Congestion by IAFA®

Herbal medications offered by IAFA® are 100% natural and the mentioned herbs are Infused with respiratory wellness which helps to get rid of Chest Congestion.

  • Nasal All Clear X Drops 
  • Nasal All Clear Spray
  • NasaYoga Grutham
  • Nasal Air (Herbal Smoke)
  • IAFA Res Chai-7 
  • IAFA Respiro Detox Formula
  • IAFA Respiratory Detox Tablet
  • Chotti Dudhi Swaras

IAFA’s nasal drops and sprays are the best herbal medications available in the market that have been giving amazing results to our patients. If you want to have safe herbal drops you can order them here. 

Also Read:- Lower Respiratory Tract Infection: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

A Quick Wrap-Up

Chest congestion is common in the winter season as it gets aggravated due to the low temperature in the outside environment. The above-mentioned herbal medications and home remedies play a key role to Get Rid of Chest Congestion naturally. 

Along with that, an Ayurvedic procedure, Nasya Karma, nasal irrigation with saline water through the nasal passages helps in clearing up the excess mucus present in the sinuses, chest, and respiratory tract. Do practice it regularly to get amazing results and stay away from respiratory illnesses. 

Some daily life habits like sleeping with a pillow elevated, avoiding cold foods during the night, getting exposed to extreme cold, preferring hot showers over cold showers, frequent intake of hot soups and warm drinks like herbal teas, water infused with herbs can naturally help to Get Rid of Chest Congestion. 

Consult Online with Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

If you’re still suffering from chest congestion often, book an online consultation now with Dr Sahil Gupta who has 15+ years of experience in treating respiratory illnesses and other allergies and till now has treated more than 50,000 patients worldwide. Schedule your appointment now and enjoy an allergy-free life. 


How to get rid of chest congestion fast at home?

One can naturally reduce the burden of chest congestion by Sipping on herbal teas, warm salt water gargling, inhaling steam of essential oils, Nasya Karma, and having honey and ginger can help to get rid of chest congestion fast at home. 

How to cure cough with phlegm fast home remedies? 

One of the best-known home remedies that have been in use for ages is the intake of 2-3 tsp of honey regularly which helps to reduce mucus production, flush out excess mucus, reduce respiratory tract irritation, ease breathing, and cure cough with phlegm. You can also try hot water steams, neti pot, herbal teas, eating raw ginger, and hot soups. 

How to get rid of mucus cough fast?

Drink lots of fluids, even though it may sound cliche, but trust us, it works. Drinking plenty of warm fluids like herbal teas and warm soups helps in flushing out the toxins and virus from the respiratory tract and also reduces the aggravated vata and Kapha doshas thereby eliminating excess mucus and treating cough faster. 

How to clear a chesty cough fast?

Many research studies prove the efficacy of honey in clearing chesty cough faster than any other. Some studies showed that both cough suppressants and honey have the same effect on individuals and in some honey scored a bit higher than other suppressants. Others include ginger (a good anti-inflammatory agent), hot fluids (provide relief), and hot steam (removes excess mucus).

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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