Constipation Awareness Month, December 2023 – Importance and Ayurvedic Preventive Tips

Constipation Awareness Month, December 2023. Let us raise awareness among people by explaining about Constipation and Ayurvedic preventive tips for the same.

Constipation Awareness Month has been observed globally in December every year. Because of lifestyle changes, and eating habits, day-by-day the number of people suffering from constipation has been increasing and can lead to lethal health complications. 

So it’s vital to raise awareness among people by explaining the importance of gut health and what tips one has to follow to keep the gut clean, healthy and devoid of dysfunction leading to serious health issues. 

Ayurveda revolves around the fact that the gut is the most vital organ in the body and it’s the place where most of the diseases arise. The gut plays a key role in overall body functions as it is the hub of trillions of bacteria which aids in proper digestion, nutrient absorption and expelling toxins. If the gut is damaged, overall health can be at risk. So we would like to raise awareness about constipation and present you with ayurvedic ways to Prevent Constipation

Importance of Constipation Awareness Month

Constipation is the most prevalent and undiscussed health issue, many feel stigmatised to discuss this, so dedicating a whole month to talk about it can make some noise and can reach at least some and change a few to consider constipation as an important issue and there is a need to follow some tips to prevent constipation.

How to Get Rid of Constipation Naturally?

Constipation makes us uncomfortable and every morning, not emptying of stools and feeling obstructed is scary and it’s a bothersome health issue one needs to focus on. Don’t worry some natural remedies for constipation can help to get rid of it permanently. 

1. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration and less water intake can make the stools hard and create a difficult time to pass by. So having plenty of fresh fruit and veggie juices and gallons of water can soften the stool and make it easy to pass. Note that if you are taking in more fibre through your diet, you need to have more water intake than usual. 

2. Make A Regular Bowel Habit

Skipping your morning bathroom habits and being lazy can cost you more, so it’s always good to build a routine bowel habit and Prevent Constipation. 

3. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise and body movements build the organs strong, and flexible and prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Regular physical movements like a daily walk, jogging or aerobics can stimulate the intestines in your colon and intestines and ease the bowel passage. 

4. Having Good Dietary Fibre 

To save yourself from constipation, fibre in your diet is a must. There are two types of fibres you need to Prevent Constipation. One is soluble which soaks up in the water and softens your stool and the other is insoluble fibre that adds bulk to your stool making your stool pass easily from your digestive system.

5. Caffeinated Coffee 

Drinking coffee enriched with caffeine has shown some good results in some people because it stimulates the muscles in your digestive system aiding in the passing of stools easily. Drink caffeinated one rather than decaffeinated coffee to get good results. But make sure you avoid it if you have any other digestive system issues like IBS and ulcers.  

6. Ayurvedic Herbs

Certain herbs like Triphala, Senna, liquorice root, and fennel seeds, are great for constipation. They help to clean up toxins and promote healthy gut bacteria, improve digestion and prevent you from constipation. Include them in your diet or directly take them in the form of herbal supplements. 

Can Constipation be Caused by Allergies?

Have you heard this before? Your food allergies can be a threat to constipation and can severe the condition. Certain food allergies like gluten intolerance and dairy intolerance can cause difficulty in proper food digestion thereby resulting in constipation. So what can you do? No need to worry when you have ayurveda, through which you can treat all your food allergies naturally without any worry of recurrence and side effects. Note down the foods that you are allergic to and avoid them from your diet to relieve constipation issues.

Consult Online with Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

If you’re suffering from any kind of illness be it your nasal allergies, food allergies, skin allergies, fungal infections or lifestyle disorders such as Constipation, book your online consultation now with Dr. Sahil Gupta who has around 15+ years of experience and has treated more than 50000+ patients all around the world.

A Quick Wrap-Up

Constipation Awareness Month is the best initiative celebrated globally to raise the ill effects, causes, preventive methods, complications and natural treatment of constipation by speaking about it on the internet, reaching peoples’ lives and saving their guts. Become a part of constipation awareness and be aware of people around you, your friends, your family and society and tell them how important it is to take care of the gut and what can you do to keep your gut health intact.

Natural remedies for constipation include removing junk foods, and processed and ultra-processed foods, and eating a lot of whole fruits and veggies, nuts, legumes, and seeds, staying hydrated, etc. Remember that your gut has a very good microbiome which can heal naturally when given the proper time and the right food. Note that fluids are your bestie and take exercises along, your gut will surely thank you! Raise awareness and create an impact in peoples’ lives this December with Constipation Awareness Month.

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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