What is the Best Treatment for Latex-Fruit Syndrome?

Ayurvedic treatment for latex-fruit syndrome includes lifestyle changes, dietary guidelines, herbs, and ayurvedic medicine such as IAFA aahar amrutam ras, aahar amrutam gulika, etc.

It has been observed that 30-50% of individuals who have an allergy towards natural rubber latex are also allergic to some plant-derived foods when consumed fresh. The link between latex allergy and hypersensitive reaction towards plant-derived foods is known as latex-fruit syndrome. The plant-derived products like avocado, banana, chestnut, kiwi, peach, tomato, potato, and bell pepper are some common plant-based foods that can initiate an allergic reaction in individuals who are already allergic to natural rubber latex. This write-up will cover all the information regarding the condition, from causes to treatment of latex-fruit syndrome.

Ayurvedic Perspective of Latex-fruit Syndrome

According to Ayurvedic concepts, latex-fruit syndrome can be correlated with a condition known as udarda due to the similarity in the manifestation. Udarda is a condition that develops due to the vitiation of kapha dosha. The symptoms of this condition are red, itchy, and raised bumps on the skin surface. In addition, the symptoms are swelling, needle-like pain, fever, vomiting, and burning sensation.

Also Read:- Ayurvedic Treatment for Latex Allergy – A Comprehensive Guide

Causes of Latex-Fruit Syndrome

The immunity of an individual misinterprets the proteins present in the rubber latex as harmful and forms antibodies against it to protect the body. The proteins present in some fruits like avocado or banana are the same as those proteins present in latex, and therefore, the body initiates an allergic response. There is an increased secretion of histamines when coming in contact with latex, which manifests the symptoms related to an allergic reaction. Direct exposure to allergens like rubber gloves, balloons, condoms, and others. Moreover, inhalation of latex particles that is present in the air. Medical professionals are one group that is constantly exposed to rubber gloves. According to Ayurveda, udarda occurs due to kapha imbalance with vitiated pitta dosha.

Symptoms of Latex-fruit syndrome

The following are the symptoms of latex-fruit syndrome:

  • Swelling of lips
  • Repeated sneezing
  • Itching sensation in the eyes
  • Stomach discomfort that includes nausea and vomiting
  • Systemic reactions like hives can occur, or an anaphylactic response that causes shortness of breath may appear.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Latex-Fruit Syndrome

Ayurveda emphasizes balancing doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), strengthening the immune system and management of symptoms. The treatment involves following a balanced diet, herbal remedies, detoxification therapies, and lifestyle modifications. 

Dietary Guidelines for Latex-Fruit Syndrome Patient

According to Ayurveda, diet should be based on individual constitution and dominant dosha. It is essential to identify the trigger factors and avoid them while stressing on a balanced and allergy-free diet. 

Herbs for Latex-Fruit Syndrome

Ayurvedic science has advised many effective anti-allergic and immune-boosting herbs like ashwagandha, turmeric, and triphala. Furthermore, these herbs are selected on the basis of individual constitutions. 

Detoxification Therapies for Latex-Fruit Syndrome

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic way of detoxification that helps to eliminate accumulated toxins from the body and boosts the immune system. Ayurveda stresses the use of medicated oils inside the nasal passages to manage allergic symptoms. 

Lifestyle Guidelines for Latex-Fruit Syndrome Patient

According to Ayurveda, one should lead a stress-free life and should remain physically active. The activity can be in the form of yoga, as it enhances the health of the respiratory system, and pranayama helps to limit stress and anxiety. 

Also Read:- How to Treat Latex Allergic Reaction Naturally?

Herbal Remedies for the Treatment of Latex-Fruit Syndrome

IAFA Ayurveda® has formulated below given herbal remedies by following the principles of Ayurveda for the treatment of Latex-Fruit Syndrome. The treatments are 100% natural and are safe to use. Ayurveda aims to establish harmony within the internal system and promote health and wellness.

1) IAFA Aahar Amrutam Ras

IAFA Aahar Amrutham ras is a mixture of herbs that supports digestive health and supports healthy intestinal balance. Ayurveda believes that diseases occur due to accumulation of toxins in the micro channels or stotras of the body. These toxins cause obstruction inside the microchannels and this results in different diseases. IAFA’s Aahar Amrutam Ras ensures that the food is properly digested and no harmful product or toxin is formed. Moreover, this medicine boosts metabolism and also enables proper assimilation of food and other medicines inside the body. 

2) IAFA Aahar Amrutam Gulika

Aahar Amrutham Gulika is an effective herbal formulation used to treat long-standing allergic reactions that occur due to incomplete digestion of food i.e. Aam formation. The medication has natural herbs, including bilwa and others are effective herbs to get rid of it. These tablets help to reduce inflammation of intestines which is important for proper digestion of food. If you are dealing with symptoms like repeated bowel movements after meals or improper digestion which results in gas and acidity then you must include this medicine and get rid of these annoying symptoms. 

3) IAFA Aahar Amrutam Chai

Aahar Amrutham Chai is an herbal decoction that is prepared by adding six different herbs like parushaka, kharjura, sariva, and others. These herbs help to break the pathogenesis of GIT disorders and maintain healthy digestion and metabolism.  The herbal tea is a unique blend of highly potent herbs that are rich in antioxidants and remove harmful toxins from the body. This herbal decoction is hepato-protective in nature and is effective in maintaining the health of gastro-intestinal organs. 


Ayurveda has been tested time and again, but it has been proven fruitful in different eras in which various diseases were prevalent. You can also get rid of any type of allergy, including latex-fruit syndrome, by incorporating principles of Ayurveda in your life.

Consult Online with Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

If you are stressed as your loved one has latex-fruit syndrome or any allergy, schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr Sahil Gupta (Chief Consultant at IAFA®). IAFA® is one of the most trustworthy institutions committed to improving the world through its original and holistic approach. Dr. Gupta’s team treats all types of allergies using 100% natural and herbal products. 


Nucera, E., Aruanno, A., Rizzi, A., & Centrone, M. (2020). Latex Allergy: Current Status and Future Perspectives. Journal of Asthma and AllergyVolume 13, 385–398. https://doi.org/10.2147/jaa.s242058

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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