7 Natural Remedies for Sinus Infection

Sinus infection can create pressure in sinus passages leading to pain and inflammation around the face, head, and nose. Natural Remedies for Sinus Infections such as Jal Neti, Steam Inhalation, Warm Compress, Stay Hydrated, Moisturize the Sinus, Eat Healthy Food, and Rest can be beneficial.

A Brief About Sinus Infection

Sinus infection can create pressure in sinus passages leading to pain and inflammation around the face, head, and nose. The person may also experience many other symptoms such as sinus headache, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, runny nose, and blocked nasal passages.

Sinus infection can be acute or chronic, can be a viral or airborne irritant, or due to bacteria. Usually, sinus infection symptoms can go away on their own following certain self-care techniques and home remedies but some sinus infections need certain precise treatment, leaving them untreated can lead to serious complications.

Natural Remedies for Sinus Infection

Sinus Infection sufferers can use the mentioned seven natural remedies, which have been shown to have effective effects. However, it is advisable to consult the doctor for the sinus infection treatment.

1. Jal Neti

Commonly called nasal irrigation is an ayurvedic procedure where the patient is advised to pass saline water through nasal passages and flush out the accumulated mucus. This is the best procedure to reduce inflammation in the sinus spaces, expelling out excess mucus and giving relief from sinus pain and infection. 

2. Steam Inhalation

You all might have tried and tested steam inhalation at home for the common cold, throat infection, and cough. But here we are adding our Ayurveda touch to give you extra relief. Take any essential oils like lemongrass oil, or eucalyptus oil, add a few drops to the boiling water, and turmeric or tulsi leaves can be cherry on the top. Inhale and repeat this twice a day for the ultimate Sinus infection relief, along with relief from inflammation, congestion, and pain. 

3. Warm Compresses

Warm compresses can increase blood flow to the sinuses and promote sinus drainage. It can provide relief by expelling excess mucus from the sinus passages, reducing inflammation and sinus headaches. Warm compresses may not clear the infection but surely can provide relief from inflammation and pain. 

4. Hydration 

Adequate hydration is the key to major health illnesses. Drinking plenty of fluids and having sufficient water is necessary to maintain the strength of the skin and mucous membranes within the sinuses which can reduce irritation, thin mucus, and prevent sinus infection. Hydration is the easiest way to get Sinus infection relief. 

5. Moisturize the Sinuses

Keeping the sinuses hydrated from the inside can help in getting relief from sinus infection. Stay away from cold temperatures or cold air which can further exaggerate the condition. You have to keep your sinuses humidified with warm and humid air. You can wear a humidifier while sleeping, use nasal saline or nasal sprays in the day and the best thing is you can take hot showers or hot steam inhalation for best results. Hydration in the form of drinking more water and keeping the sinuses warm and moisturized helps in getting better Sinus infection treatment.  

6. Food is Medicine

Sometimes all you need is the good and right food to get rid of the diseased condition. Including foods that have rich antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties will help in improving the body’s natural power to fight against infections. Sinus can be caused due to a virus or a bacteria which our immune system can fight easily. To keep our immune system intact, we need to add foods that are nutritious and rich in immunity-boosting properties. Ayurvedic herbs and spices like turmeric, ginger, garlic, tulsi, mint, cumin, fennel, fenugreek, etc., will help in giving Sinus infection relief and protect you from other illnesses. 

7. Rest 

This might surprise you a little bit. But, yes stress can worsen any disease condition particularly if it is tied to our immune system. Stress can increase the inflammation in our body and reduce the immune system’s capacity to fight against infections. So give your body ample rest to recover and fight infections. Rest can also help in getting some relief from the pain and inflammation of the sinus. 

Also Read:- 7 Pressure Points to Relieve Sinus Congestion


Sinuses are air-filled cavities in your face and head. When these cavities become inflamed and filled with fluid, it can lead to a sinus infection. Sinus infection can not be harmful in the early stages and you can easily get rid of it with precise self-care, the right medicines, and home remedies.

Natural Remedies for Sinus Infections such as Jal Neti, Steam Inhalation, Warm Compress, Stay Hydrated, Moisturize the Sinus, Eat Healthy Food, and Rest can be beneficial.

Consult Online with Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

it’s crucial to consult an IAFA Allergy doctor if your symptoms worsen or persist for more than a few weeks. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent more serious issues.

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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