4 Best Antiviral Ayurvedic Herbs to Fight Against Viruses and Keep You Healthy

Let us know about the 4 best Antiviral Ayurvedic Herbs that can work as Antidote to fight against viruses and keep you healthy.


Viral infection very common name, its epidemic comes after every few years. Protection and treatment from fast-spreading viral infections around the world have become a major challenge for today’s medical scientists. Let’s know about that “Is the Indian medical system of medicine 5000 years old ancient Ayurveda qualified as a mentor in the treatment or management of viral infections?“.

Yes in Ayurveda, there are several herbs and combinations that have already been described thousands of years ago to neutralize the effects of viruses, i.e. the antiviral herbs.

Hello, I am Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.) presenting to you the 4 best Antiviral Ayurvedic Herbs that can work as an Antidote to fight against viruses and keep you healthy. These tips are based on my clinical practice and patient acceptance with minimum side effects from which I got effective antiviral results.

Best Antiviral Ayurvedic Herbs to Keep You Healthy

1. Chhoti Dudhi

Chhoti Dudhi (Euphorbia Hirta)

Botanical Name: Euphorbia Hirta

दुग्धिका (दुद्धी) । तस्या नामानि गुणा शाह

दुग्धिका स्वादुपर्णी स्यात्क्षीरा विक्षीरिणी तथा । दुग्धिकोष्णा गुरू रूक्षा वातला गर्भकारिण॥

स्वादुक्षीरा कटुस्तिक्ता सृष्टमूत्रा मलापहा । स्वादुर्विष्टम्भिनी वृष्या कफकुष्ठक्रिमिप्रणुत् ॥

विशेष-क्षीरिणी एवं दुग्धिका ये नाम दुग्धयुक्त या दुग्धहीन एवं मधुर तथा तिक्त रूभी के पौधों के लिये प्रयुक्त हैं दुग्धयुक्त मधुर रस वाले द्रव्य हैं : क्षीर विदारी, क्षीर काकोली, म एवं खिरनी (फल)। दुग्धयुक्त किन्तु तिक्त रस द्रव्य निम्न हैं : स्वर्णक्षीरी, कुटज एवं सभी यूफोबिईआ।

In common language Chhoti Dudhi also called Dudhika. This ayurvedic herb is available in almost all the provinces of India. This herb is also described in Maharishi Charak period. It is also mentioned in the 16th century Bhavprakash Nighantu.

Now Let Us Know About the 3 Properties of Chhoti Dudhi:-

  1. The first and the most important property suited to today’s environment is that the use of Choti Dudhi has been used by our Vaidya’s in chronic respiratory illnesses like asthma, bronchitis, COPD, or any lung-related diseases and has achieved the ultimate benefits in many patients.
  2. Now I am going to tell you the 2nd quality of Chhoti Dudhi, it is a very good immunomodulator that is Rasayana according to Ayurveda. Rasayanas increase the immunity of body cells and indirectly you can say that it creates antibodies to fight against various viruses or parasites ultimately which eats virus.
  3. The third quality which is even more prominent is that Chhoti Dudhi prevents the replication of viruses, so antiviral.

Uses and Doses: According to the consultation of your Ayurvedic doctor, you can take 10-20ml Chhoti Dudhi Swaras Empty Stomach.

2. Shirish

Shirish (Albizia lebbeck)

Botanical Name: Albizia lebbeck

शिरीषः (सिरसा)।

तस्य नामानि गुणा शाह शिरीषो भण्डिलो भण्डी भण्डीरश्च कपीतनः । शुकपुष्पः शुकतरुर्मृदुपुष्पः शुकप्रियः ॥

शिरीषो मधुरोऽनुष्णस्तिक्तश्च तुवरो लघुः । दोषशोथविसर्पघ्नः कासव्रणविषापहः ॥

सिरस के संस्कृत नाम-शिरीष, भण्डिल, भण्डी, भण्डीर, कपीतन, शुकपुष्प, शुकतर, मृदु पुष्प और शुकप्रिय ये सब सिरसा-मधुर, तिक्त तथा कषाय रसयुक्त, किञ्चित् उष्ण, लघु एवं-वातादिक दोष, शोथ, विसर्प, कास (खाँसी), व्रण तथा विष को दूर करने वाला है।

It is also called Serus in common language. Shirish is found in almost all the provinces of India. There are 3 ways to identify it – the gum keeps coming out of its tree like acacia gum, its leaves are like tamarind leaves and the flowers are very tender and wipe by touching, which is its biggest have an identity.

Now We will Discuss its Antiviral Properties:-

  1. The first and special property of Shirish is its antitoxin properties. Meaning, this herb was also used as an antidote to neutralize any poison i.e. in poisoning patients, even in Charak, Sushruta, and Vagbhat period.
  2. Again Chronic cough, allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, flu, and viral infection. I also use Shirish predominantly in today’s environment of covid-19 infection.
  3. It is a good immunomodulator.
  4. Shirish has anti-tubercular as well as antiviral properties.

Uses and Doses: You can take 20 to 30ml Swaras of seed leaves and flowers of Shirish on an empty stomach in the morning and evening according to the consultation of your Ayurvedic doctor.

3. Kalmegh (Nilavembu)

Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata)

Botanical Name: Andrographis paniculata

In Vedakala references are not available, but in Samhitha Kala references are told in the context of grahani dosha chikitsa adhyaya of Charaka, kushta chikitsa of Sushrutha, prameha chikitsa of Astanga hrudaya. In Nighantukala reference are available in the Adarsha nighantu & Priya nighantu.

The plant Andrographis paniculata is a herb identified as a source plant of Bhunimba often referred as Kalamegha or Yavatikta mentioned in Ayurvedic literature. Kalmegha is indicated in Kushta, Kandu, Shopha, Yakratroga, Krimi, Kushta, Jwara. This herb has chemical constituents like Andrographolide, 14 – deoxy – 11, 12 – di dehydroandro-grapholide, etc., in it.

Kalmegh is very famous as an antiviral in the southern part of India, especially in Tamil by the name Nilavambu. Generally, you will easily find Kalmegh in plain areas and wastelands all over India. Kalmegh is very bitter in taste hence it has been given the noun in Ayurveda by the name of King of Bitter.

Let Us Talk About its Properties:-

  1. It has Antiviral properties.
  2. It is a good Immunomodulator.
  3. It has Antidiabetic, so lowers the sugar level.
  4. It has Antipyretic, Anti-inflammatory, and Anti-filarial activities.
  5. It has Hepatoprotective and Antiulcer properties.

Uses and Doses: 10 to 20ml Swaras of Kalmegh can be taken according to Ayurvedic medicine.

By the end, you have a curiosity in your mind as to which antiviral herb is ranked number one in Ayurveda. This herb is very popular, its name is Bhoomi Amalaki.

4. Bhoomi Amalaki

Bhoomi Amalaki (Phyllanthus Niruri)

Botanical Name: Phyllanthus Niruri

भूम्यामलकी (मुआमला) ।

तस्या नाम गुनाह भूम्यामलकिका प्रोक्ता शिवा तामलकीति च । बहुपत्रा बहुपत्रा बहुफला बहुवीर्याऽजटाऽपि च ॥ भूधात्री वातकृत्तिक्ता कषाया मधुरा हिमा । पिपासाकासपित्तास्त्रकफकण्डूक्षतापहा ॥

भुई आमला के नाम तथा गुण-भूम्यामलकिका, शिवा, तामलकी, बहुपत्रा, बहुफला, बहुवीर्या, अजटा और भूधात्री ये सब नाम भुई आमला के हैं। भुंई आमला-तिक्त, कषाय एवं मधुर रस युक्त, वातकारक, शीतवीर्य एवं तृषा, खाँसी, पित्त, रक्त, कफ, खुजली और क्षत को दूर करने वाली है।

The Phyllanthus Niruri is just like Phyllanthus Emblica but it has 2 to 3 feet height of plants on the land. It is found most often in all the provinces of India after the rainy season and is available at altitudes up to 1000 feet on the mountains. Bitter named phyllanthus fluid is found in its leaves. Vaidya’s have been using it from thousands of years ago, since at the time of Charak. It’s also known as the gale of the wind or stonebreaker. Its leaves and fruit are used as herbal medicine. Phyllanthus niruri is known for protecting the liver. It may also combat kidney stones, hence the “stonebreaker” moniker.

Analyzing its Properties:-

  1. It is virucidal yes, in antiviral herbs, Bhoomi Amalaki is at ranked one. It is very effective in Hepatitis A B C D E and all types of liver spleen-related diseases. Its efficacy against any kind of viral infection is also proved.
  2. It is Immunomodulator means Rasayana.
  3. Bhumi Amalaki is very effective in all kidney-related diseases as well as in Gout (high uric acid level).

Uses and Doses: You can consume 15-20ml Swaras of Bhoomi Amalaki in the morning and evening according to physician advice.


Friends, I have asked you to take all these medicines in swaras form, do you know why, because the swaras of any herb can only be extracted in a pure fresh green state, so the swaras have the best properties of herbs and can cure diseases very quickly.

In this difficult time of coronavirus pandemic, friends, from time to time, I will introduce you to some common medicines which are easily available, you can take to boost up your immunity.

For more assistance, please book an appointment to consult online.

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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