Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE) Treatment – Safe and Effective

Know about safe and effective ayurvedic medications for Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE) treatment. Ayurveda has a perfect solution for this disease.

A Brief About the Disease

In simple terms, Polymorphous light eruption (PMLE) is a red-coloured rash caused by over-sun exposure in people who are sensitive to the sun or UV light. It is visible as tiny, inflamed patches on the skin such as the face, neck, chest, and arms.

It can be harmless in some people and can go away on its own after a few days but in some cases, it can exaggerate and may cause persistent rashes which need attentive Polymorphous Light Eruption Treatment. It is generally called sun allergy or sun poisoning.

Who is at High Risk?

  • It is more commonly seen in women than in men.
  • It usually appears in the early 20s’ or early adulthood.
  • Some cases can also be genetic.
  • Some studies show that people with fair skin are more allergic to the sun and may have a higher risk than others.

Symptoms of Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE)

Symptoms may vary from person to person depending on their immune system reaction to the UV radiation, however, the following can be some symptoms:-

  • Small red-coloured patches or bumps and rashes.
  • Itching, burning, and stinging sensations in the affected area.
  • Swelling or blistering of the skin in severe cases.
  • Rough, inflamed patches.
  • Rashes can be seen in the areas exposed to the sun usually within a few hours.
  • Red-coloured patches are seen on the head, neck, chest, and arms.

Causes of Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE)

The exact cause of Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE) is unknown but it can be seen in people who are sensitive to sun radiation or in general UV radiation from any other sources.

Books Written by Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S, M.H.A.)

Pathophysiology of Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE)

The exact pathophysiology is complex and involves a combination of genetic, environmental, and immunological factors.

  • When a photosensitive person is exposed to UV radiation or sun rays, the UV rays penetrate the skin and cause damage to the DNA and start producing cytokines and other reactive oxygen species.
  • These cytokines activate the immune system and cause inflammation which leads to the development of skin lesions.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE)

Ayurvedic Treatment of Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE) 

Ayurveda has a specified treatment procedure for sun allergy or Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE). It includes the use of both internal and external medicines and single herbs. Internal medicine helps in the correction of gut response and immune response whereas external medication has different lepas and Keras that heal the inflamed patches and bumps.

We at IAFA Ayurveda® provide safe and effective herbal medications for the Ayurvedic Treatment of Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE). These herbal medications are prepared from natural herbs by following the principles of Ayurveda.

Internal Medications:-

1. IAFA Skin Detox Tablet

IAFA Skin Detox Tablet has herbs like vasa, bakayan, vigara, Patola, Khadira, Triphala and mahamanjisthadi kwath. These herbs have skin detoxifying, blood purifying, anti-allergic, antioxidant, and anti-histamine properties. It helps in the overall improvement of skin health.

Dosage:- 2 tablets twice a day after taking meals.

2. IAFA Pitpapra Capsules

IAFA Pitpapra Capsules have purified extract of Pitpapra herb for balancing high pitta conditions and giving cooling potency to the body.

Dosage:- 1 capsule twice a day early in the morning empty stomach and early evening with water.

3. IAFA AF-7 Tea

IAFA AF-7 Tea has 7 potential skin rejuvenating herbs. This herbal tea helps in boosting immunity, reduces pacifying pitta reactions in the body, and aids in improving skin health.

Dosage:- 1 teaspoon for one cup of tea twice a day with honey or jaggery.

External Medications:-

1. IAFA Skin Fresh Bar

It is blended with various skin-beneficial herbs like Sveta kutaj, Aloe Vera, Lodhar, and Neem. These herbs have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and wound-healing properties.

Usage:- Use IAFA skin fresh bar for regular bathing instead of your regular bar. It soothes your skin and heals rashes.

2. IAFA AF-7 Cream

IAFA AF-7 Cream consists of various herbs like Haridra (Turmeric), Neem, Tulsi, Sirisha, Chakramarda, and Senna blended with Coconut oil. Coconut oil moisturizes the skin whereas herbs help in healing rashes and the reduction of inflammation.

 Usage:- Apply IAFA AF-7 Cream twice or thrice a day over the affected area.

Single Herbs that Can Help to Treat Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE)

 Herbs like Turmeric, Aloe Vera, Sandalwood, Durva, Lodhra, and Usheera help in soothing the skin and healing the lesions. You can directly apply the lepanam of Chandana (sandalwood) on the affected area for instant relief from the burning and itching sensation.

Some Beneficial Ayurvedic Lepanam and Keras

  • Eladigana Churna
  • Kumkumadi Lepana
  • Nalpamaradi Keram
  • Shudha Durvadi Keram

Case Study – Successful Ayurvedic Treatment of Sun Allergy 

Jeevan Jyoti, a 35-year-old female patient residing in Canada has been suffering from sun allergy for the last 15 years and she is always worried about sitting or exposing to the sun. She consulted IAFA® via online consultation and cured her sun allergy completely in 3 months. She said that now she can happily sit in the sun as long as she wants without any worry of hives and rashes.

Read Complete Case Study – Successful Ayurvedic Treatment of Sun Allergy

Consult Online with Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

Final Verdict

Sun allergy as it is commonly called is usually harmless and can go away within a few days, but if you find it to be persistent, then you have to Consult the Healthcare Professional for specified treatment. The hives or rashes are generally painless in the beginning but all at once they can become more painful and the case will be serious.

So, we at IAFA Ayurveda® recommend specific treatment procedures for sun allergy, you don’t have to use steroids to get rid of those rashes. Ayurveda has a perfect solution that balances your doshas, boosts your immune system, balances gut response, and reduces hypersensitivity reactions. Ayurveda also provides you with some external applications that have wound-healing properties.

So, why do you have to worry when you have Ayurveda to give a solution? Book an online consultation now with Dr. Sahil Gupta (Chief Ayurvedic Physician of IAFA Ayurveda®) and get safe and effective ayurvedic medications to treat Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE) holistically.

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda. Read More About Dr. Sahil Gupta.

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