Shamana therapy in Allergies

Palliative treatment to pacify doshas

न शोधयति यद्देषान् समानोदीरयत्यापि l
समीकरोति विषमान् शमनं तच्च सप्तधा ll
पाचनं दीपनं क्षुत्तृड्व्यायामातपमारुताः l

Shamana (Palliative treatment to pacify doshas) is the second method of treatment used in Ayurveda other than Shodana method. The Shamana method balances the misbalanced doshas without expelling the doshas out the body.

In general there are seven types of Shamana treatment measures. They are namely,

  • Panchana ( Carminative and digestive medications are used to pacify doshas)
  • Deepana (Stomachic medications are used to pacify doshas)
  • Kshut (Fasting treatment)
  • Trut or Trud (Avoiding liquid intake)
  • Vyayama (Exercises)
  • Atapa ( Exposure to Sunlight) and
  • Maruta (Exposure to wind) 

Certain scholars also opine that Brimhana is a type of Shamana treatment in case of Vata dosha. The Brimhana method reduces increased Vata dosha. The Pachana and Deepana methods are very popular in case of allergy treatment. Various types of,

  • Tablets and Capsules made of single herbs or combination of herbs ( Gulika )
  • Decoctions made of herbs and natural substances (Kashayam)
  • Powders made of herbs and natural substances (Choornam)
  • Fermented herbal preparations (Arishtam and Asavam) and 
  • Medicated oils (Thailam or Kuzhambu) and
  • Direct herbs are used in the management of allergic conditions.

Shamana therapy is indicated in conditions where purificatory procedures is contra–indicated

in children (generally < 8 yrs)

Old aged (generally above 70 yrs)

In pregnant women

Disease is less severe, acute & not deep routed

Patient strength is not good

After shodana to treat the remaining doshas

IAFA prepared Ayurvedic preparations used in Shamana Chikitsa

We also have new formulations in Ayurveda like syrups, swaras, granules, lotions, oils, tablets, ointments and gels in our store. 

Nidana (Causative factors) of Allergies

Agni (Digestive fire)

The state of agni determines your body’s ability to ‘digest’ what it experiences. Agni protects our immunity (vyadhi kshamatva) by generating sufficient prana, tejas and ojas that can protect and nourish the body. If agni is low, unmetabolized toxins known as ama can orm in the body. Dhatu-agni metabolizes the specific nutrients required by each dhatu. If the tissues are invaded by an antigen then prana, created by agni, motivates tejas and ojas to neutralize the toxin. If there is strong dhatu-agni an allergy is virtually impossible.

Ama (Toxins)

Rasa ama: Poor rasadhatu-agni results in unprocessed food.

Mala ama: Poor elimination.

Ama dosha: ama mixed with imbalanced doshas. 

Mano ama: mental toxins from low sadhaka agni being unable to process life’s experiences. 

This results in unresolved emotions and mental stagnation.

Prakriti (Constitutional tendencies)

The individual prakriti will determine how the response to that ama manifests. The unique idiosyncrasies will depend on which dhatu the ama is in and which dosha is predominant. Disease is merely an expression of a potential tendency and our prakriti is that inherent nature.

Vikriti (Imbalanced tendencies)

A further factor involved in the manifestation of allergies is the current state of imbalance circulating within the tissues. How much excessive vata, pitta or kapha is within the body-mind will also influence the response.

For example, if kapha is balanced then exposure to a kapha allergen will be minimal. If kapha is high then exposure to a kapha type allergen may be excessive.


The type of allergen will also influence the response; there are vata, pitta and kapha types of allergens. The quantity of that allergen is also critical in determining the response to it. If there is a large volume of allergen it will overpower even the strongest agni.

So IAFA root-cause treatment of your allergies is just 3 steps away!

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