Vaikranta Stone (Tourmaline – Fluorite) – The Astrological and Ayurvedic Benefits
Vaikranta is the second mineral drug in the Maharasa group and is mentioned as the first Uparatna in classical literature. As Vaikranta is used in place of Diamond (Vajra) That’s why it is mentioned under Upratna Varga. It is called Tourmaline in English. Tourmaline is a crystal borosilicate mineral compounded with elements such as aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium. Chemically it is identified as Mg, Mn, Fe, Ca, Na, K, Li, H, F, Al, B, SiO4, 02. Tourmaline is also classified as a semi-precious stone. This comes in a wide variety of colors. The name tourmaline comes from the Sinhalese word Thuramali or Thoramalli, which is applied to different gemstones found in Sri Lanka. Tourmaline belongs to the trigonal crystal system and occurs as long, slender to thick prismatic and columnar crystals that are usually triangular in cross-section. The style of termination at the ends of crystals is asymmetrical, called hemimorphism. Small sender prismatic crystals are common in a fine-grained granite called aplite often forming radial daisy-like patterns. Tourmaline is distinguished by its three-sided prisms; no other common mineral has three sides. Prism’s faces often have heavy vertical striations that produce a rounded triangular effect. Tourmaline has a variety of colors. Usually, iron-rich tourmalines are black to bluish-black to deep brown, while magnesium-rich varieties are brown to yellow, and lithium-rich tourmalines are almost any color—blue, green, red, yellow, pink, etc. Rarely, it is colorless. Bi-colored and multi-colored crystals are common, reflecting variations of fluid chemistry during crystallization. Crystals may be green at one end and pink at the other, or green on the outside and pink inside, this type is called watermelon tourmaline. Some forms of tourmaline are dichroic, which change color when viewed from different directions. An important benefit of tourmaline when they are worn by an individual is that it is considered an October birthstone and must to given to the spouse on the 8th marriage anniversary of the best love life. The individual who is suffering from fertility use must wear a variety of tourmaline i.e. red tourmaline. Tourmaline is considered to be the best stone for Anahat Chakra, so if you are suffering from a heart issue it is best to wear tourmaline. If the individual is suffering from inner conflicts then it is suitable to wear black tourmaline.
टूरमैलाइन, जिसे वैक्रांत के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, एक अनमोल रत्न है जो महारस समूह की दूसरी खनिज औषधि है और पुरातात्विक साहित्य में पहली उपरत्न के रूप में उल्लेख किया गया है। इस रत्न को सिंहली शब्द थुरमाली या थोरमाली से भी जाना जाता है, जो श्रीलंका में पाए जाने वाले विभिन्न रत्नों पर शामिल किया जाता है। टूरमैलाइन एक क्रिस्टल बोरोसिलिकेट खनिज है जिसमें एल्युमिनियम, आयरन, मैग्नीशियम, सोडियम, लिथियम, या पोटैशियम जैसे तत्वों के साथ मिश्रित होता है। इसके विभिन्न रंगों में आने के कारण यह अत्यंत प्रसिद्ध है। टूरमैलाइन को त्रिकोणीय क्रिस्टल प्रणाली में वर्णित किया गया है और यह लंबे, पतले से मोटे प्रिसमेटिक और ऊर्ध्वाधारित क्रिस्टल के रूप में होता है जो सामान्यत: त्रिकोणीय होते हैं। टूरमैलाइन की महत्ता को अधिक बढ़ाते हैं इसके विभिन्न रंग और उनके आकार। आयरन-समृद्ध टूरमैलाइन काले से नीले से गहरे होते हैं, मैग्नीशियम- समृद्ध प्रकार भूरे से पीले होते हैं, और लिथियम-समृद्ध टूरमैलाइन के लगभग हर रंग होते हैं—नीला, हरा, लाल, पीला, गुलाबी, आदि। टूरमैलाइन का उपयोग भी आयुर्वेदिक दृष्टिकोण से किया जाता है। इसे अनाहत चक्र के लिए सबसे अच्छा पत्थर माना जाता है और यदि कोई व्यक्ति हृदय समस्याओं से पीड़ित है तो उसे टूरमैलाइन पहनने को कहा जाता है । साथ ही, इसे विभिन्न उपाय के रूप में भी इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। विवाह के 8वें वर्षगांठ पर पति-पत्नी को यह रत्न भेंट किया जाता है जिसका मान्यता के अनुसार इसका उपयोग जीवन की समृद्धि और प्रेम से संबंधित होता है। इसके अतिरिक्त, टूरमैलाइन को फ्रिटिलिटी जैसी समस्या से पीड़ित व्यक्तियों के लिए भी दिया जाता है।
Shobhamani (शोभामणि) – वैक्रान्त ही शोभामणि है। यह अत्यन्त सुन्दर रत्न है, क्योंकि इसके एक ही मणिभ को इस प्रकार रखा जां सकता है जिससे वह परस्पर कई विरोधी रंगों वाला दिखाई देता है। इस गुण के अतिरिक्त इसमें तेज द्वि वर्णिता पायी जाती है और इस प्रकार काटा जा सकता है कि इस द्विवर्णिता के कारण बनने वाला रंग दिखायी दे सके। अत: इस रत्न की शोभा और भी बढ़ जाती है। इसका टूरमेंलीन नाम सिंहलीभाषा तूरामली से बना है। इस खनिज का यह नाम सन् १७०३ ईस्वी में श्रीलंका से ऐमस्टर्डम में इसका पार्सल पहुँचने, पर रखा गया था। श्रीलंका में तूरामली, पीत गोमेद को कहते है जो अधिक मात्रा में: होता। टूमेलीन का रासायनिक संगठन कुछ जटिल है। यह एक प्रकार का बोरोऐल्यूमीनो सिलिकेट है।
Vaikrant itself is a beauty or is considered Shobha Mani. This is a very beautiful gem because its single gem can be placed in such a way that it appears to have many contrasting colors. Apart from this quality, it has strong dichroism and can be cut in such a way that the color formed due to this dichroism can be seen. Hence the beauty of this gem increases even more. Its Tourmaline name is derived from the Sinhala language Tooramali. This mineral was named after its parcel reached Amsterdam from Sri Lanka in 1703 AD. In Sri Lanka, Turamali is called yellow onyx which is found in large quantities. The chemical composition of tourmaline is somewhat complex. It is a type of boroalumino silicate.
Vaikranta / Tourmaline as Maharasa and Uparatna
Vaikranta as Maharasa
Mercury (Parada) as envisaged earlier, is not administered alone. It is either processed or added with other drugs and given a therapeutic form the drugs that are used to process Parada (Mercury) are classified into various groups i.e. Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharana Rasa, etc. Vaikranta is the second mineral that is mentioned under Maharasa.
Reference: Rasa Ratna Sammuchya. 2/ 1
अभ्रक वैक्रान्त माक्षिक विमल आद्रिज सस्क्यम।
चपलो रस्कश्चैते ज्ञात्वा अष्टौ संग्रहदृसान।।
Eight drugs are considered as Maharasa i.e. Abhraka, Vaikranta, Makshika, Vimala, Shilajeet, Sasyaka, Chapala, Rasaka.
Reference: Raso Upnishad. 4/ 4
माक्षिको विमलश्चैव रसो वैक्रान्तमेव च।
सस्यकम चपलम शैलम सप्तम एव महारसा: ।।
Reference: rasender Chuda Mani. 10/ 1
महारसा: स्युर्घन राजवर्त वैक्रान्त सस्यक विमल आद्रिज जाते:।
तुत्थञ्च ताप्यञ्च रसायंस्ते सत्वानि तेषां अमृतोपमानी।।
Reference: Rasa Prabha Sudhakar. 5/ 2
क्रमेण गगनम ताप्यं वैक्रान्तं विमलं तथा।
रसकम शैल सम्भूतं राजवर्त सस्यके।।
एते महा रसश्च अष्ट वुदिता रस्वादिभिः।।
Reference: Ras Padati. 1/ 38
वैक्रान्तं गगनम शिलाज चपलो तापीज तुत्थे तू षत नाम्ना नाम महा रसा: पुनर्यम वैक्रांतक: सप्तधा।।
Reference: Rasa Viveka
वैक्रान्त अभ्र माक्षिक चपलानि च सस्यकम।
रस्क: शैल हिंगुल अष्टौ प्रोक्ता महारस: ।।
The Diverse Opinion about Maharasa – As Per Different Classical Literature:
Mahrasa | Rasa Ratna Sammuc-hya | Rasa Hridya Tantra | Rasar-nava | R. P. SU | Rasendra Chudamani | Go. Sam | Rasop. | Rasa Paddti | Ayurved Parkasha |
Abharka | + | – | – | + | + | + | – | + | – |
Vaikranat | + | + | – | + | + | + | + | + | – |
Makshika | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | – |
Vimala | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | – | – |
Shilajatu (Aadrij) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | – |
Sasyaka (Tuttha) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | – |
Chapala | + | – | + | – | – | – | + | + | – |
Rasaka | + | + | + | + | – | + | – | – | – |
Kantaloha | – | + | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Hingula | – | + | + | – | – | + | – | – | – |
Srotanjan | – | – | + | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Rajavarta | – | – | – | + | + | – | – | – | – |
Parada | – | – | – | – | – | – | + | – | + |
रस शास्त्र में प्रयुक्त होने वाले खनिज कृत्रिम जांतव द्रव्यों का वर्गीकरण एवं वर्णन प्रत्येक आचार्य द्वारा अपने अपने अनुभव के आधार पर किया जाता है। ये वर्गीकरण पारद के १६ संस्कार उपरान्त उसकी सफलता के आधार पर ही किया गया होगा। पारद के बुभुक्षितिकरण जारन रंजन के आधार पर ही वर्गीकरण किया जाता है। इनमे से जो द्रव्य पारद पर जितना ज्यादा प्रभाव शाली होता है उसे उसी कर्म से महारस , उप रस , साधारण रस की श्रेणी में रखा गया है। वैक्रान्त अधिक प्रभावशाली होने के कारण उसे महा रस वर्ग में रखा गया है।
Vaikranta as Upratna
Nowadays most of the Vaidyas of India use tourmaline in the name of Vaikranta. A few traders of Punjab sell Sphatika in the name of Vaikranta. Late Dr. Vaman Ganesh Desai considered fluorspar, and fluorite as vaikranta in his text Bharatiya Rasa Sastra. The late Sri D. A. Kulkarni also supported his view on Vaikranta in his commentary on Rasa Ratna Samucchaya. According to Rasa literature, Vaikranta is included in two groups i.e. Maha rasa group and Uparatna group by Rasendra Chudamani and Rasa Tarangini respectively. According to authors the Vaikrant included in the Maha rasa group may be considered as Manganese and that of the Uparatna group may be taken as tourmaline or fluorspar. In Rasa Hridaya Tantra’s 10th chapter, it is mentioned that the Satva of Vaikranta should be similar to Loha (Iron). And in its commentary, the commentator mentions Rasa Vaikranta for this Vaikranta. This probably suggests that Rasa Vaikranta is different from the Vaikranta of the Uparatna group. Further, the commentator while commenting on its Satva mentions that it is Lohanibha means munda nibha. Probably with a view that the Satva of Vaikranta must be similar to cost Iron and the form of manganese. looks like cast Iron. Hence the Vaikranta of Maharasa group may contain manganese as Satva (metal). In Chanakya’s Kautilya Artha Sastra while enumerating metals Vaikrantak is mentioned and in its commentary, it is said that Kakanda Bhurja Varno Va Vaikrant Dhath which is further explained as Vaikrantakakhya Loha Visesa Yoni- Rdhatub. This means according to ChanakyaVikrantak is considered as a type of Loha (metal) which is different from Tiksna Loha. This description suggests that while describing Vaikranta ancient Rasa Acharayas wanted to include manganese in the group of metals considering its easy availability in abundance. Yadavji further mentioned in the discussion on Vaikranta that the term Vajra used in this context is for Tiksna Loha which is hard like a Vajra, a weapon of Indra and in its place, Vaikranta can be used if it is not available. Apart from this Yadavji also mentioned that in the context of Uparatna tourmaline may be used as Vaikranta which may be the substitute for Vajra (Diamond) if diamond is not available.
आजकल भारत के अधिकांश वैद्य वैक्रांत के नाम पर tourmaline का प्रयोग करते हैं। पंजाब के कुछ व्यापारी वैक्रांत के नाम से स्फटिक बेचते हैं। स्वर्गीय डॉ. वामन गणेश देसाई ने अपने ग्रंथ भारतीय रस शास्त्र में फ्लोरस्पार और फ्लोराइट को वैक्रांत माना है। स्वर्गीय श्री डी. ए. कुलकर्णी ने भी रस रत्न समुच्चय पर अपनी टिप्पणी में वैक्रांत पर उनके विचार का समर्थन किया। रस साहित्य के अनुसार, वैक्रांत को दो समूहों में शामिल किया गया है अर्थात् रसेंद्र चूड़ामणि और रस तरंगिनी द्वारा क्रमशः महा रस समूह और उपरत्न समूह। लेखकों के अनुसार महारस समूह में शामिल वैक्रांत को मैंगनीज और उपरत्न समूह को टूमलाइन (tourmaline) या फ्लोरस्पार माना जा सकता है। रस हृदय तंत्र के 10वें अध्याय में उल्लेख है कि वैक्रांत का सत्त्व लोह (लोहे) के समान होना चाहिए। और इसकी टीका में टीकाकार ने इस वैक्रांत के लिए रस वैक्रांत का उल्लेख किया है। इससे संभवतः पता चलता है कि रस वैक्रांत उपरत्न समूह के वैक्रांत से भिन्न है। इसके अलावा, टीकाकार ने इसके सत्व पर टिप्पणी करते हुए उल्लेख किया है कि यह लोहनिभा यानी मुंडानिभा है। संभवतः इस दृष्टि से कि वैक्रांत का सत्व लोहे की लागत और मैंगनीज के रूप के समान होना चाहिए। इसलिए महारस समूह के वैक्रांत में सत्व (धातु) के रूप में मैंगनीज हो सकता है। चाणक्य के कौटिल्य अर्थ शास्त्र में धातुओं की गणना करते समय वैक्रांतक का उल्लेख किया गया है और इसकी टीका में कहा गया है कि ककंद भूर्जा वर्णो वै वैक्रांत धात् जिसे आगे वैक्रांतकाख्य लौह विसेसा योनि- रधातुब के रूप में समझाया गया है। यादवजी ने वैक्रांत पर चर्चा में आगे बताया कि इस संदर्भ में प्रयुक्त वज्र शब्द तीक्ष्ण लौह के लिए है जो इंद्र के हथियार वज्र की तरह कठोर है और इसके स्थान पर वैक्रांत उपलब्ध न होने पर प्रयोग किया जा सकता है। इसके अलावा यादवजी ने यह भी उल्लेख किया कि उपरत्न के संदर्भ में टूमलाइन (Tourmaline) का उपयोग वैक्रांत के रूप में किया जा सकता है जो हीरा उपलब्ध न होने पर वज्र (हीरा) का विकल्प हो सकता है।
उपरत्न वर्ग के खनिजपाषाण में काठिन्य, चमक, पारदर्शकता रत्नो की अपेक्षा कम गुणवाले होते है। इनका मूल्य भी कम होता है। अतः इन्हें उपरत्न कहा जाता है। उपरत्नों की संख्या में मतभिन्नता है- आनन्दकन्दकार ने 9 उपरत्न माने है। जबकि आयुर्वेदप्रकाशकार ने 15 उपरत्न माने है। बृहद योगतरंगिणीकार ने 4 ही उपरत्न माने है। रसतरंगिणीकार ने छः उपरत्न माने है। आनन्दकन्दकार ने विमल, सस्यक, कान्त एवं तारकान्त को भी उपरत्न में शामिल कर दिया है। बृहत् योग तरंगिणीकार ने मुक्ता प्रवाल को भी उपरत्न वर्ग में मानकर और भी भ्र्म पैदा किया है। आयुर्वेद प्रकाशकार ने ५ प्रचलित उपरत्नो के अतिरिक्त १० नए उपरत्न को इस वर्ग में शामिल किया है परन्तु सबसे अधिक रस तरंगिणी का मत ही प्रचलित है।
Reference- आ. क. क्रि. व १/ १२
सूर्यकान्तश्चन्द्रकान्तस्तारकान्तस्तु कान्तक: ।
वैक्रान्तश्च नृपावर्तस्सस्यको विमला तथा।
Reference: आयुर्वेद प्रकाश ५/ ६- ८
वैक्रान्तः सूर्यकान्तश्च चन्द्रकान्तश्तथैवं च: ।
राजावर्तो लालसंज्ञ: पैरोजाख्यस्तथा अपर: ।।
मुक्ता शुक्तिस्तथा शेख: कर्पूरशमा अथ काचजा: ।
मणयो नीलपीताद्या हन्ये विषहराश्च ये।।
वह्यादिस्तम्भका ये च ते सर्वे हि परीक्षकै: ।
गणिता द्लुपरत्नेषु मणयो लोकविश्रुता: ।।
Reference: बृहत् योग तरंगिण ४३/ ८२
मुक्ता विद्रुम शंखाश्व राजावर्तस्तथैव च। उपरत्नानि चत्वारि कथितानि मनीषिभिः।।
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 154
वैक्रान्त सूर्यकान्त चन्द्रकांतो नृपो पल |
पेरोजकञ्च स्फटिकम क्षुद्र रत्न गणो हव्यम।।
There are Six Uparatna as per Rasa Trangini
- Vaikranta (Fluorite / Tormaline)
- Suryakanta (Spinel) (Na, O, CaO, Al, 2SiO)
- Candrakant (Moonstone) (K, Si, O, Na, Al, Si)
- Raja-varta (Lapis Lazuli) (Na, Ca), (Al, SiO) (S, SO, Cl)
- Pairojaka (Turquoise)
- Sphatika (Rock crystal)
A few gems are also added to the list of Uparatna by NCISM and they mention a total 13 number of Upratnas. They are as follows:
- Vaikranta (Fluorite/ Tormaline)
- Suryakanta (Spinel) (Na, O, CaO, Al, 2SiO)
- Candrakant (Moonstone) (K, Si, O, Na, Al, Si)
- Raja-varta (Lapis Lazuli) (Na, Ca), (Al, SiO) (S, SO, Cl)
- Pairojaka (Turquoise)
- Sphatika (Rock crystal)
- Putika (Peridote)
- Trinkanta (Amber, Succinum)
- Rudhiram/ rudhir Putika (Carnelion)
- Palankam/ Palakam (Onyx, CaSO4, 2H2O)
- Vyomasma (Jade)
- Kosheyaashm
- Sougandhika
Upratna is Mentioned in Different Ayurvedic Literature
Upratna name/ semi-precious stone | Ayurveda Parkasha | Aanand Kand | Brihat Yog Trangini | Rasa Trangini |
Suryakanta | + | + | – | + |
Chandrakant | + | + | – | + |
Vaikrant | + | + | – | + |
Rajavart | + | + | + | + |
Perojak | + | + | – | + |
Saphatik | – | – | – | + |
Taarkaant | – | + | – | – |
Kaant | – | + | – | – |
Sasyak | – | + | – | – |
Vimal | – | + | – | – |
Laalmani | + | – | – | – |
Mukta Shukti | + | – | – | – |
Shankh | + | – | + | – |
Karpurashma | + | – | – | – |
Kaachmani | + | – | – | – |
Neelmani | + | – | – | – |
Peetmani | + | – | – | – |
Vishhar Mani | + | – | – | – |
Agni Stambhak Mani | + | – | – | – |
Jal Stambhak Mani | + | – | + | – |
Mukta | – | – | + | – |
Parvala | – | – | + | – |
Properties of Semi-Precious Stone (Upratna)
Name | Chemical composition | Structure | Hardness | Specific Gravity | Refrective index | Double refraction |
Fluorite (Vaikrant) | CaF2 | Cubic | 4 | 3.18 | 1.43 | None |
Spinel (Suryakant) | MgAl2O4 | Cubic | 8 | 3.60 | 1.71- 1.73 | None |
Moonstone (Chandrakant) | KAlSi3O8 | Monoclinic | 6 | 2.57 | 1.52- 1.53 | 0.005 |
Lapis Lazuli (Rajavart) | (Na, Ca)8, (Al, Si12 O24 (SO4) Cl2 (OH)2 | Various | 5.5 | 2.80 | 1.50 | None |
Turquoise (Perojaka) | Cu Al6 (PO4)4 (OH)8 5 H2O | Triclinic | 6 | 2.80 | 1.61- 1.65 | 0.004 |
Rock Crystal (Sphatika) | SiO2 | Trigonal | 7 | 2.65 | 1.54- 1.55 | 0.009 |
Jade (Vyomashma) | NA (AL, FE) Si2O6 | Monoclinic | 7 | 3.33 | 1.66- 1.68 | 0.012 |
Onyx (Palanka) | SiO2 | Trigonal | 7 | 2.61 | 1.53- 1.54 | 0.004 |
Carnelian (Rudhiram, Akeek) | SiO2 | Trigonal | 7 | 2.61 | 1.53- 1.54 | 0.004 |
Peridot (Putika) | (Mg, Fe)2 SiO4 | Orthorhombic | 6.5 | 3.34 | 1.64- 1.69 | 0.036 |
Amber (Trinkant) | C6 H16 O | Amorphous | 2.5 | 1.08 | 1.54- 1.55 | N/ A |
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Vaikratna Upratna (Semi-Precious Stone) is Indicated as a Substitute for Precious Stones as per Astrological Science to Nullify the Maleficent Effect of Various Planets (Grahas) and to Treat the Roga (Disorders) Related to that Particular Planet
Not everyone is affluent, and the affordability of precious stones remains beyond the means of many individuals. In light of this, semiprecious stones emerge as a viable and more accessible alternative. These gemstones, while not as costly as their precious counterparts, possess unique and appealing qualities. Embracing semi precious stones allows a broader spectrum of people to enjoy the beauty and symbolism associated with gemstones without the financial strain associated with acquiring precious ones.
Planet | Precious Gem used | Substitute Semi-Precious Stone |
Sun (Surya) | Manikya (Ruby) | – |
Moon (Chandra) | Mukta (Pearl) | – |
Mars (Mangala) | Vidruma (Coral) | – |
Mercury (Buddha) | Markat (Emerald)- | |
Jupiter (Guru) | Pushapraga (Topaz) | – |
Venus (Shukra) | Vajra (Diamond) | Vaikranta (Tourmaline) |
Saturn (Shani) | Neelam (Blue sapphire) | – |
Rahu | Gomeda (Hessonite) | – |
Ketu | Vaidurya (Cat’s eye stone) | – |
Diseases Induced by Maleficent Effects of Planets (Greha Roga) or Diseases Induced by Dushkarma (Sinful Deeds) Done by the Rogi (Patient) i.e Karma Vipaka Siddhanta
Planet | Diseases Caused |
Sun | Shoth (Inflammation in the body), Apsmar (Epilepsy), Paitikavikara, Jawara (Fever), Diseases of the eye, skin, and bone, rational fears, Bites from poisonous reptiles like snakes, weakening the digestive system, and constipation. |
Moon | Sleep diseases such as Anidra (insomnia) or somnambulism (sleepwalking), Kaphaj Kasa, Atisara, Alsaya, Agnimandya (Loss of appetite), Aruchi (Disinterest in food), Kamala (Jaundice), Chitudvega, Grehani, Hydrophobia, Fear of animals with horns, Problems concerning women, Hallucinations |
Mars | Trishna (Excessive thirst), Bilious disorders, Flatulence, Excessive fear of fire, Gulma, appendicitis, Kustha (Leprosy), eye disorder, Apsmar (Epilepsy), Rakta Vikara, Majja Vikar (Bone marrow diseases), Kandu (Itching), Ruksha Twaka (Rough skin). |
Mercury | Lack of self-confidence, Gala Rog (Throat problems like goiter, etc.), Nasagata Rog (Nose Diseases), Vata- Kaphaj Roga, Cold and Cough, Flatulence, Poisoning. Twaka Dosha (Skin diseases), Vicharchika. Jaundice. |
Jupiter | Gulma, Appendicitis, Karan Vedna (an ear disease), Sanyas.Frequent litigation, Problems with friends, parents, and relatives. |
Venus | Pandu (Anaemia), Netra Roga (Disorders of the eye), Flatulence, Cough, Mutrakrich (Urinary disease), Prameha (Diabetes), Syphilis, Shukra-Vyapati (Low sperm count), Impotence, Dryness of Mouth, Constipation, Irrational fears. |
Saturn | Flatulence, Cough, Pain in the legs, Excessive Fatigue, Illusion, Daha (Excessive heat in the body), Mental shocks, Personal calamities, and Accidents causing temporary or lasting wounds. |
Rahu | Heart diseases such as an attack, Shotha (Inflammation), Kushtha (Leprosy), illusions, hallucinations, disease due to poisoning, excessive hurt, and wounds. |
Ketu | Unknown mysterious diseases, cannot be easily found by doctors. |
Types of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour spar) – As Per Astrology
Depending on the Color:
Depending on the color Vaikranta Upratna is divided in to 8 types:
- Shweta Vaikranta
- Nila Vaikranta
- Rkata Vaikranta
- Pita Vaikranta
- Paravat Prabha Vaikranta
- Tarkshyabha Vaikranta (Emerald color)
- Karbura Vaikranta (Blackish ash color)
- Krishna Vaikranta
Reference: Rasa Ratna Samucchya. 2/ 52- 53
अष्टास्त्र च अष्ट फलकं षट कोणो मृष्णो गुरु।
शुद्ध मिश्रित वर्णैश्च युक्तो वैक्रान्त उच्चयते।।
श्वेता रक्तश्च पीतश्च नील: पारावत च छवि:।
श्यामल: कृष्ण वर्णश्च करबुर श्च अष्टधा हि स: ।।
The Vaikranta possesses eight edges (Asra), eight surfaces, and six angles which are smooth and heavy with uniformly mixed colors.
Seven varieties of Vaikrant white, red, yellow, blue, pigeon colored, blackish blue, and black are given in Rasa Hridaya Tantra and Rasa Manjari. In Rasendra Chudamani and Rasa Ratna Sammuchya, the eight varieties of Karbura i.e. mixture of different colors is mentioned.
In Rasa Ratna Sammuchya, seven varieties of Vaikranta are also mentioned white, yellow, red, blue, pigeon-colored, pea-cock neck colored, and emerald are mentioned. It is also said in the same reference that black is useful in making the body immortal, yellow tourmaline is used in making gold, white tourmaline is used in making silver and those in red and green tourmaline give good effect while the blue and pigeon color tourmaline is useless.
According to Yadavji, Trikamji Tourmaline is vaikrant which does not seem to be correct in terms of shape, variety, and hardness content.
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 157- 158
अष्टास्त्र च अष्ट फलकं षट कोणो मृष्णो गुरु।
मृसणो गुरु षट कोण विक्रान्तं जात्यम उच्चयते।।
श्वेता नीलस्तथा रक्त: पीत: पारावत प्रभ: ।
ताक्षर्याभ: कार्बुर: कृष्णो वर्ण श्च अष्टधा हि स: ।।
रस तरंगिणी ने वैक्रान्त के आठ भेद माने है। यथा श्वेत, नील, रक्त, पीत, पारावत प्रभ, ताक्षर्य, कार्बुर, कृष्ण।
Depending on the color vaikrant is characterized in to 8 types:
- Shweta Vaikranta
- Nika Vaikranta
- Rakta Vaikranta
- Pita Vaikranta
- Paravat Prabha Vaikranta
- Takshrya Abha Vaikranta
- Karbura Vaikranta
- Krishna Vaikranta
Reference: Rasa Ratna Samucchya. 2/ 59- 60
देह सिद्धि करं कृष्णम पीते पीतम सीते सितम।
सर्वार्थ सिद्धिदम रक्तं तथा मर्कट प्रभम।।
शेषे द्वे निष्फळे वर्ज्ये वैक्रान्तमिति सप्तधा।।
उपयोग की दृष्टि से कृष्ण वर्ण का वैक्रान्त देह सिद्धि, पीत वर्ण का स्वर्ण निर्माण, श्वेत वर्ण का रजत निर्माण, रक्त वर्ण एवं मरकत प्रभ सर्व सिद्धि दायक, नील वर्ण एवं कपोत वर्ण का निष्फल एवं त्याज्य होता है।
Nirukti of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar) / Etymology of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 156
वज्रवत सर्व रोगाणाम हरणाय यतस्ति वदं।
धते विक्रान्तिम तुलाम वैक्रान्तं कथ्यते तत:।।
When used judiciously for internal administration in appropriate dosage form, the Vaikranta can cure many diseases like that of Vajra (diamond). Therefore, this drug is called by the name Vaikranta.
जब उचित खुराक के रूप में आंतरिक के लिए विवेकपूर्ण तरीके से उपयोग किया जाता है, तो विक्रांत वज्र (हीरा) जैसी कई बीमारियों का इलाज कर सकता है। इसलिए इस औषधि को वैक्रांत शरीर नाम से पुकारा जाता है।
Synonyms of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour spar)
Reference: Rasa Trangini 23/ 155
वैक्रान्तञ्चैव विक्रान्तं वैक्रान्तं जीर्ण वज्रकं।
कुवज्रम क्षुद्र कुलिश चूर्ण वज्रञ्च तन्मतं।।
Vikranta, Vaikranta, Jirna Vajraka, Kuvajra, Kshudra Kulisha, and Churna Vajraka these are the synonyms of words used in the classical literature for Vaikranta.
Names of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour spar) in Different Languages
- Tourmaline (English)
- Turamuri (Hindi)
- Turamali, Toramali (Marathi)
- Taramari (Gujarati)
- Vikrantamu (Telugu)
Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
![Ayurveda Reference of Vaikranta Stone](
Types of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
Vaikrant / Jeerna Vajraka / Tourmaline includes more than a dozen species and is considered under the mineral group. A few varieties of Vaikrant or Tourmaline can be fashioned into gem-quality faceted stones that are perfect for use in high jewelry collections.
Different Types of Tourmalines are as follows:
Tourmalines / Vaikrant According to Elements Present in Them:
Although tourmalines or Vaikrant are the aluminum silicates that contain hydrogen, boron, and fluorine, along with this Vaikrant is the complex mixtures of other elements in their atomic structures, such as lithium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, vanadium, and chromium which result in a different color of tourmalines. Broadly Vaikrant as per elements are divided as follows:
- Tourmalines containing sodium
- Tourmalines containing calcium
Tourmalines Containing Sodium –
- Elbaite, a variety of tourmaline that contains sodium, is named after an Italian island and is a highly significant gemstone in the tourmaline family due to its diverse color range. The desirability and unique properties in the market of the elbaite are due to the presence of lithium in it.
- The raw black tourmaline variety of the tourmaline is distinguished from other varieties of Vaikranta by its black, opaque appearance, and this color is present in raw black tourmaline due to the presence of iron as an additional element. Raw black tourmaline is a choice for jewelry and ornamental pieces for the gemologist.
- Dravite is also the variety of the tourmaline that contains sodium and is characterized by the addition of magnesium element, this offers another dimension to the Vaikrant (tourmaline) family. Dravite tourmaline also contains chromium and vanadium as coloring elements, which results in a wide range of hue patterns.
Tourmalines Containing Calcium –
- Uvite the variety of tourmaline containing calcium is produced when calcium substitutes sodium in Vaikranta (tourmaline), resulting in Uparatna that can range in color from attractive yellow, brown, and green hues. Stones that are intermediate between uvite and dravite may exhibit a different variety of colors within this range.
- Liddicoatite, a rare and unique variety of tourmaline species, is defined by the substitution of lithium for some magnesium in the crystal structure. This species can display any color and is often characterized by spectacular color zoning patterns. However, these chemical differences are difficult or impossible for ordinary gemologists to confirm.
Varieties of Tourmaline
Green Tourmaline (Verdelite) –
The complex crystal structure derived from a boron silicate combined with various metals is known as Verdelite or green tourmaline gemstone.
History of green tourmaline – In the 1500s, a Spanish conquistador misunderstood a green tourmaline uparatna with the Panna (Emerald) while exploring Brazil. However, scientists in the 1800s recognized Vaikranta (tourmaline) as a distinct mineral species. The word Tourmaline is derived from the Sinhalese word toramalli meaning mixed gems. Semi-precious, tourmaline (Vaikrant) was historically prominent in country Sri Lanka. Green Tourmaline Gems, sometimes referred to as Brazilian Panna (Brazilian emeralds). Green tourmaline is colored green due to chromium impurities, is found in various hues, and can be irradiated to enhance its color.
Use of green tourmaline in astrology – In astrology, Green Tourmaline is associated with the planet Mercury (Buddha Greha) in Vedic astrology, representing intellect, wit, and humor. It’s assumed that green tourmaline enhances logical thinking, alleviating anxiety in the wearer. The benefits of wearing Green Tourmaline are it increases prosperity, energy, abundance, and happiness, and provides protection against electromagnetic radiation. It is also beneficial for relieving chronic fatigue, supporting athletes, and soothing the mind of the individual.
In addition to the health benefits previously mentioned, Green Tourmaline stones i.e. Verdelite are revered for their ability to gently open the Anahat Chakra (heart chakra), allowing balanced emotion to the wearer. As a gemstone ruled by Mercury (Buddha Greha), Green Tourmalines also gives wearer qualities of charm, tact, and enhancing interpersonal interactions and communication skills.
Rubellite tourmaline – Rubellite tourmaline, also popular with gemologists as red tourmaline, is a precious gemstone and the Uparatna is renowned for its vivid color that ranges from violet to deep red. The rubellite word originates from the Latin word rubellus meaning reddish, i.e., a fitting descriptor for its striking hue.
The distinctive color of rubellite or red tourmaline is due to the trace amounts of manganese within the stone, resulting in a great resemblance to Manikya (ruby). Despite this resemblance of the red tourmaline with the Mnaikya, rubellite stands out as a highly prized gemstone within the Vaikranta (tourmaline) family. This variety of tourmaline is the most expensive and popular variety of Vaikranta or tourmaline.
Characteristic of rubellite tourmaline – The important characteristic of rubellite is its pyroelectric nature, which means red tourmaline can generate electric potential when subjected to heat.
This unique quality of the red tourmaline adds the allure of rubellite. Untreated variety of tourmaline i.e. red tourmaline are valued for their natural beauty, often famous for mesmerizing inclusions with a high degree of color saturation one can differentiate between rubellite and other red tourmalines.
Source of rubellite tourmaline – High-quality red tourmaline is distributed in various parts of the world such as Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Pakistan.
Benefits of rubellite tourmaline –
- Red tourmaline is connected with the heart chakra and the root chakra, serving as a source of healing energy for the mind, body, and Atma (soul).
- Red tourmaline is very famous for neutralizing the harmful effects of electronic appliances, and TV frequencies and acts as an electrical tuning circuit for radio frequencies.
- Red tourmaline has various healing properties and it also helps in treating motion sickness, enhancing the sense of smell/ increase olfaction, and helps to treat digestive disorders.
Purple tourmaline –
The variety of tourmaline that is considered best for protection against negative energy is famous with the name purple tourmaline. Purple tourmaline is a powerful gemstone that is used for spiritual, astrological, and metaphysical practices. Purple tourmaline is famous with the name Siberite, considered a unique and captivating gemstone (Ratna) within the Vaikranta (tourmaline family). The purple tourmaline has a unique purple hue because of the presence of manganese and lithium impurities present in the structure of the crystal of the tourmaline. The rarity of the purple tourmaline in nature makes it a highly prized gemstone among collectors of the Gemologist. As there are different colors of tourmaline like green and pink, purple tourmaline is rare as it is found in limited quantities in select parts of the world. The unique purple tourmaline is found in different shades that range from soft lavender hues to deep violet shades, with a variety of purple tourmalines exhibiting color shifts under different lighting conditions.
Benefits of purple tourmaline –
- Purple tourmaline has captivating coloration, along with unique metaphysical properties that make it a highly valued Uparatna or semi-precious gemstone for spiritual practices and healing rituals.
- Purple tourmaline is also associated with the Aagya Chakra (crown chakra), making it a powerful Uparatna (semi-precious gemstone) for enhancing enlightenment and spiritual connection.
Blue tourmaline/ Indicolite tourmaline –
Blue tourmaline is famous for the name Indicolite which is derived from the Latin word indicum which means blue and represents the gemstone’s striking coloration. Blue tourmaline is a rare variety of tourmaline famous for its blue hues. Blue tourmaline is a precious gemstone with significant metaphysical and astrological benefits, making it a cherished addition to the Ratna (gemstone) collection. The stunning beauty and powerful energetic properties of the indicolite tourmaline make it a valuable gemstone for self-expression, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.
Characteristics of blue tourmaline – The blue tourmaline is considered a unique variety of tourmaline due to the presence of Loha (iron) and other trace elements within the structure of the crystal of the gemstone. This gives blue tones to the gemstones. Blue tourmaline is found in various shades of blue, ranging from deep oceanic blues to delicate sky blue, with some specimens of this semi-precious gemstone exhibiting violet undertones.
Benefits of blue tourmaline / indicolite –
- Blue tourmaline is believed to possess significant astrological properties. In Vedic astrology, Neela Vaikrant is associated with the throat chakra (Vishuddha Chakra), which governs communication, self-expression, and spiritual truth of the wearer. It is believed to enhance communication skills and promote self-expression, making it an ideal stone for those seeking to articulate their thoughts and emotions effectively.
- Blue tourmaline is thought to be connected to the planet Neptune (Ketu Greha), known for its associations with intuition, creativity, and spiritual insight.
- Indicolite is a powerful stone for meditation. The wearer of the blue tourmaline helps individuals connect with their inner wisdom.
- Blue tourmaline also exhibits healing properties which help in alleviating feelings of stress and anxiety.
- Wearing blue tourmaline stimulates the thyroid gland and helps in improving overall thyroid function, and harmony within the body.
Yellow tourmaline / Canary tourmaline –
The rare variety of tourmaline yellow tourmaline, also known as Canary tourmaline, is famous for its vibrant yellow hues. The Canary tourmaline name is given to yellow tourmaline because of its strong resemblance to the cheerful and bright color of a canary bird.
Characteristics of yellow tourmaline –
- Yellow tourmaline has the presence of various trace elements mainly manganese in the structure of its crystal. This unique combination of the elements gives rise to its distinctive yellow coloration.
- Yellow tourmaline is found in different ranges of yellow shades, from rich golden tones to pale lemon yellow, with some specimens of the semi-precious gemstone exhibiting hints of brown undertones and green undertones.
Benefits of yellow tourmaline in astrology –
- In astrology, yellow tourmaline is associated with the solar plexus chakra i.e. Manipura Chakra, which governs self-confidence, and power to the individual.
- Wearing yellow tourmaline is believed to increase feelings of self-worth, and boost confidence, and wearing this stone helps to pursue their goals with courage and determination.
- Yellow tourmaline is thought to be connected to the Brihaspati Greha (planet Jupiter), known for its associations with prosperity, expansion, and abundance. Wearing yellow tourmaline helps to attract wealth, and success, and promote financial abundance, in the wearer’s life.
- Yellow tourmaline also has healing properties that increase metabolism, and boost the overall energy levels of the wearer. Wearing yellow tourmaline supports the digestive system (Amashya and Pakwashya), promotes detoxification i.e. helps to remove Ama, and enhances the overall well-being of the wearer.
Raw black tourmaline / Schorl tourmaline –
The variety of tourmaline famous for its deep black color, and protective properties is known as Schorl and black tourmaline.
Derivation of Schorl gemstone – The raw black tourmaline is given the name Schorl because of the locality of its discovery which is the village of Zschorlau in Saxony, Germany.
Characteristics of Raw black tourmaline gemstone –
- The raw black tourmaline got its uniqueness due to the presence of iron in the structure of its crystal. Due to the presence of iron in the tourmaline, it has black discoloration.
- As Raw black tourmaline exhibits a vitreous lustre and striation it is typically found in massive formations or as prismatic crystals.
Benefits of raw black tourmaline in astrology –
- Raw black tourmaline is associated with the root chakra, one of the Shad Chakra, which governs physical vitality in the wearer.
Distribution of raw black tourmaline –
Raw black tourmaline is found in various parts of the world, including Madagascar, the United States, and Brazil. It is often found with other types of minerals quartz, feldspar, and mica.
Benefits of raw black tourmaline in astrology –
- In astrology, raw black tourmaline is associated with the planet Saturn (Shani Greha), which is associated with responsibility, and protection.
- Wearing raw black tourmaline increases the self-control of the wearer along with wearing this tourmaline protects against negative energies and psychic attacks.
- Raw black tourmaline is also associated with the Makar Rashi (zodiac sign Capricorn), which is ruled by Shani greha (Saturn planet), which represents its protective and grounding properties.
White tourmaline / Achroite tourmaline –
The unique variety of tourmaline famous for its transparent appearance and colorless characteristics is white tourmaline which is also famous with the name Achroite.
Derivation of Achroite – As white tourmaline is colorless that’s why it’s given the name Achroite which is derived from the Greek word achroos which stands for colorless, highlighting its main property i.e. lack color.
Characteristics of white tourmaline –
- White tourmaline has an absence of any trace elements which results in its translucent appearance and pristine appearance.
- Achroite is found in various shades of white, that range from colorless to milky, slightly cloudy, or clear or some specimens of achroite also exhibit pale pink or green undertones.
Benefits of white tourmaline in astrology –
- In astrology, white tourmaline is associated with the crown chakra (Aagya Chakra), which governs enlightenment, higher consciousness, and spiritual connection.
- Wearing this semi-precious gemstone makes an ideal environment for meditation, spiritual growth, and enlightenment. Wearing white tourmaline promotes spiritual purity, clarity inner peace, and clarity of mind for the wearer.
- White tourmaline or Achroite is believed to maintain a deep connection between the divine and the wearer of the stone and support the wearer in accessing higher states of spiritual awareness.
- White tourmaline is connected to the Aruna Greha (planet Uranus), known for its associations with enlightenment (Moksha). White tourmaline is believed to heighten intuition, spiritual enlightenment, and evolution.
Watermelon tourmaline –
Watermelon tourmaline is a unique variety of tourmaline that is famous for its vibrant green and pink coloration. This semi-precious variety of tourmaline is known as watermelon tourmaline because of its resemblance with the flesh and rind of a watermelon.
Characteristics of watermelon tourmaline –
- Watermelon gemstone is formed due to the presence of iron and manganese within its crystal structure, which gives it a unique characteristic i.e. bicoloration.
- Watermelon tourmaline is an elongated crystal with a green outer layer, and pink core along with variations in color intensity and distribution can be found in this variety of tourmaline.
Distribution of watermelon tourmaline –
Watermelon tourmaline is found in various parts of the world, including Madagascar, the United States, and Brazil. It is often found with other types of minerals quartz, feldspar, and mica.
Benefits of watermelon tourmaline in astrology –
- The watermelon tourmaline is believed to be associated with the Anahat Chakara i.e. the heart Chakra which shows its balancing and harmonizing properties. Along with this, it is believed that wearing the watermelon tourmaline brings emotional healing, compassion, and unconditional love to the wearer.
- Watermelon tourmaline is associated with the Jala Mahabhuta (element of water), which represents good emotional flow, and healing through nature in the wearer.
- In astrology, watermelon tourmaline is associated with the Shukra Greha (planet Venus), known for its relationship with feminine power, and beauty, and helps in balancing and treating gynecological problems.
- It is believed to promote harmony in relationships, enhance creativity and artistic expression, and foster a sense of inner peace and contentment.
- Watermelon tourmaline is also associated with the Tula rashi i.e. zodiac sign Libra, which is ruled by Shukra Greha (Venus planet), which also represents its harmonizing and balancing properties.
Brown tourmaline / Dravite tourmaline –
The unique and fascinating variety of tourmaline famous for its rich brown hues is known as Brown tourmaline and it is also famous with the name Dravite tourmaline.
Derivation of word Dravite – The name Dravite is given to brown tourmaline because of the locality of its discovery in the Drave district of Carinthia, Austria.
Characteristics of Dravite Gemstone –
- Dravite semi-precious gemstone is unique due to the presence of magnesium within its crystal structure, which gives it a warm brown coloration. Dravite is found in various shades of brown, which can range from deep chocolate to light caramel with some variety of brown tourmaline exhibiting hints of green, red, or yellow undertones.
- The brown color of the Dravite is also contributed by the iron content present in it, which can vary in distribution throughout the crystal lattice and also in concentration. The different concentration of iron in the Dravite contributes to the diverse range of brown hues that add visual appeal and uniqueness to this semi-precious stone.
Benefits of Brown Tourmaline in Astrology –
- In Jyotish Shastra Dravite tourmaline is associated with the root chakra i.e. top of the Shad Chakra, which governs stability, and physical vitality and energizes the wearer.
- Dravite gemstone increases the wearer’s feelings of stability, connection to the universe, and security, making it an ideal semi-precious gemstone for those who want to cultivate a sense of stability and balance in their lives.
- Brown tourmaline/ Dravite tourmaline is also associated with the Mangal Greha (planet Mars), famous for its associations with courage, and assertiveness. Brown tourmaline promises to enhance physical vitality, promote courage and resilience, and protect against negative energies when worn correctly.
- Brown tourmaline is also believed to have healing properties that bring emotional, healing, and physical wellness and stabilize the Shad Chakra of the wearer.
Rainbow Tourmaline / Multi-Colored Tourmaline –
Due to rainbow colors, and due to multicolor present in rainbow tourmaline it is also popular with the name multi-colored tourmaline or tourmaline with rainbow colors. This type of tourmaline is a captivating variety of tourmaline which is famous for its dazzling array of colors.
Characteristics of Rainbow Tourmaline –
- The rainbow tourmaline has traces of various elements in its crystal structure that help to give it a multi-colored appearance.
- Rainbow tourmaline or multicolor tourmaline exhibits a range of hues, including green, blue, pink, yellow, and purple, that help to create a stunning display of color i.s. reminiscent of a rainbow.
- Rainbow tourmaline possesses vibrant and dynamic energy, which helps or promotes overall balance of body and harmony due to the stimulation of all Shad Chakra.
- Rainbow tourmaline is considered a powerful healing semi-precious stone, capable of facilitating spiritual growth, and transformation, and clearing all the negative energy.
- Multi-color tourmaline is connected with the Jala Mahabhuta (element of water), which contributes to intuition, healing, and energy flow in the wearer. Rainbow tourmalines foster a deeper connection with the natural world and bring inner peace.
Distribution of rainbow tourmaline – Rainbow tourmaline is found in various locations throughout the world, including Brazil, Nigeria, the United States, and Madagascar. It is often found in locations where other minerals like quartz, mica, etc, are found that are known as pegmatites and schists or geological formations.
Benefits of rainbow tourmaline in astrology –
- Rainbow tourmaline or multicolor tourmaline is associated with the planet Jupiter or Brihaspati Greha, famous or connected with expansion, spiritual growth, and abundance of the wearer. Wearing the rainbow tourmaline is supposed to promote positivity, and inspiration, and increase creativity and prosperity in the wearer’s life.
- Multicolor tourmaline is also associated with the Rashi (zodiac sign) Sagittarius, which is ruled by Brihaspati Greha/ Jupiter planet further emphasizing its uplifting properties.
Rare Variety of Tourmaline
Paraiba Tourmaline – Paraiba tourmaline is named after the Brazilian state of Paraiba where it was first discovered in the late 1980s. Paraiba tourmaline is very famous for its hues that range from greenish-blue to neon blue and is often described as electric or neon in appearance. The exceptionally rare and highly coveted variety of tourmaline is the Paraiba tourmaline, which is famous for its vivid and mesmerizing coloration. Paraiba tourmaline has a beautiful color palette and is considered very unique due to its unique composition; it contains trace amounts of manganese and copper.
The scarcity of Paraiba tourmaline is attributed to its limited availability because only a few mines worldwide produce Paraiba tourmaline. Due to this Paraiba tourmaline has high prices in the gemstone market, making it one of the most valuable gemstones in the world.
Benefits of Paraiba Tourmaline
- Paraiba tourmaline has various metaphysical properties due to which it is believed to possess powerful vibrations and energy that promote spiritual growth, personal transformation, and personal healing.
- Paraiba tourmaline is also associated with Shad Chakra i.e. throat chakra, which helps in clear communication and self-expression, along with this also associated with heart chakra i.e. Anahat Chakra, which brings love, harmony, and compassion.
History of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
सर्व प्रथम कौटिल्य अर्थशास्त्र में विकृन्तक धातु के नाम से इसका उल्लेख मिलता है। कौटिल्य अर्थशास्त्र के 33 वें अध्याय में सुवर्ण, रुप्य, ताम्र , सीस, त्रपु, तीक्ष्ण एवं विकृन्तक इन सात लोहों के खनिजों का वर्णन किया गया है। काकाण्डं भूर्ज पात्र व विकृन्तक धातु का वर्णन मिलता है। इसके पश्चात रस हृदय तंत्र से बाद के सभी रस ग्रंथों में इसका महारस एवं उपरत्न वर्ग में उल्लेख किया गया है। वैक्रान्त आयुर्वेद की अनेक औषधियों में अनवरत रूप से प्रयुक्त होता आ रहा है।
The first reference of the drug Vairanta can be traced from Koutilya Arthasastra belonging to 4 4th century BC. It is mentioned as Vaikrntaka Dhatu in this book in 33 chapters along with other six metals. In later books starting from Rasahrdaya Tantra, it has been classified under Maharasa Varga and Ratna Varga i.e. under Upratna Varga.
The Mythology of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
Reference: Rasa Ratna Sammuchya. 2/ 58- 60
दैत्येन्द्रो महिष:…………………. ह्युत्तरे वा अस्ति सर्वत: ।
During the battle with Mahisa, the demon king, and goddess Durga hunted him with weapons, wherever the blood from his body fell on earth, Vaikranta was found in those places. This happened on the southern side of the Vindhya mountains. It is also available on the northern side of these mountains.
It originated on the banks of river Vaikrnti, hence the name Vaikranta (vaikrntitira sambhuta rasa vaikrantaka smrith). It is called Vaikranta, also because it cuts down the diseases (Vikrntayati lohani tena vaikrantakah smritah Vikrntayati rogani tena vaikrantakah Smritah).
This is grouped into Maharasa varga and also Uparatna semi-precious stones.
Reference: Rasa Ratna Sammuchya. 23/ 156
वज्रवत सर्व रोगाणाम हरणाय यत अस्ति तवद्म।
धते विक्रान्तिम तुलाम वैक्रान्तं कथ्यते तत:।।
Since this possesses an uncomparable capacity of destroying all diseases, it is called Vaikranta.
Characteristics of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
वैक्रान्त कई रंगो में उपलब्ध होने वाला रत्न पाषाण है। यद्यपि चार प्रकार के पाषाण खंडो को वैक्रान्त माना जाता है फिर भी प्रबल मत के अनुसार टूमलाइन अधिक समर्थित वैक्रान्त है। टूमलाइन का आपेक्षित घनत्व ३ से ३- २ है, काठिन्य ६- ७ है। इसका रासयनिक संघटन निम्न प्रकार से है – K2O Al2O3 6SiO2 or K Al Si3O8
Chemical name – Tourmaline
Chemical composition of Vaikranta – Mn, Mg, Fe, Ca, K, Li, Na, H, F, Al2, B2, SiO4, O2
Specific gravity – 1.43
Hardness – 3.18
Heat exposure – On heating the tourmaline it glitters and with high temperature, it melts.
Solubility – Tourmaline is insoluble in water.
Substitution – Tourmaline is used to substitute diamonds in ancient times that’s why it is also famous with the name Ku Vajra.
Mineralogical distribution of Vaikranta
Crystallization of Tourmaline – Hexoctahedral, Isometric
Habit – Simple crystals of tourmaline are usually cubic, less commonly octahedral, and rarely dodecahedral. Penetration twins and combinations of the cube and octahedron are common. Also massive to fine granular, compact, and earthy.
Properties of Tourmaline-
Luster – Dull to Vitreous
Streak – Colorless
Diaphaneity – Translucent to transparent.
Cleavage – Four directions, perfect
Fracture – Conchoidal to uneven.
Elasticity – Brittle
Conductor – This is a non-conductor of electricity.
Composition – Ca F2. Many of the rare earths are present in traces; and may contain a wide variety of inclusions among them- fluorine.
Alteration – Many minerals occur as pseudomorphs after fluorite, especially quartz and chalcedony.
Color Variety – One of the most distinctive features of tourmaline is its remarkable color variety. From vibrant pink and red hues to serene green, blue, yellow, brown, and black shades, tourmaline exhibits a wide spectrum of colors. Some specimens even display multiple colors in a single crystal, creating a mesmerizing bi-color or multi-color effect.
Durability and Hardness – Tourmaline is prized for its exceptional durability and hardness, ranking between 4 to 4.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This makes it suitable for use in various jewelry applications, including rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Its resistance to scratching and abrasion ensures that tourmaline jewelry remains beautiful and pristine over time.
Crystal Structure – Tourmaline belongs to the trigonal crystal system and typically forms prismatic crystals with vertical striations. These crystals can vary in size and shape, ranging from elongated, slender formations to more blocky aggregates. Tourmaline crystals may also exhibit pleochroism, displaying different colors when viewed from different angles, adding to their visual complexity and allure.
Optical Properties – Optically, tourmaline exhibits a vitreous to resinous luster, giving it a brilliant shine when polished. Some specimens may also display fluorescence under ultraviolet light, emitting a glowing or fluorescent effect that enhances their visual appeal.
Rarity and Geological Formations – While tourmaline is found in various locations around the world, certain colors and varieties are exceptionally rare and valuable due to their limited availability and unique geological formations. Paraiba tourmaline, known for its vivid blue-green coloration, is one such example, prized for its rarity and beauty.
Metaphysical Properties – In addition to its aesthetic appeal, tourmaline is associated with various metaphysical properties and healing energies. Different colors of tourmaline are believed to correspond to specific chakras and energy centers in the body, with each color possessing its unique properties and benefits.
Grahaya Lakshana of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
Reference: Rasa ratna Sammuchya. 2/ 53
अष्टा स्त्र च अष्ट फलक: षट कोणो मृसणो गुरु: ।
शुद्ध मिश्रित वर्णेश्च युक्तो वैक्रान्त उच्चयते।।
आठ धार वाला , आठ पटल बाला, छ: कोण वाला, अति सनिग्ध, भारी एवं सव्तंत्र एक वर्ण वाला और कई वर्णो वाला वैक्रान्त श्रेष्ठ होता है।
The Vaikranta possesses eight edges, eight surfaces i.e. Phalaka and six angles which are smooth and heavy with uniformly mixed colors. Such samples of vaikranta are considered best for pharmaceutical use.
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 157- 158
अष्टास्त्र च अष्ट फलकं षट कोणो मृष्णो गुरु।
मृसणो गुरु षट कोण विक्रान्तं जात्यम उच्चयते।।
The Vaikranta possesses eight edges (Asra), eight surfaces, which are white, yellow, black, and coffee color which are soft to the touch, heavy, or have six angles, and six surfaces a sample of Vaikranta is considered best for pharmaceutical use.
Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar) Aayu (Lifespan of Tourmaline)
Reference: Rasa Jala Niddhi. 3/ 4, Ratna Dhatu Vigyana
न जरां यान्ति रत्नानि मौक्तिकं विद्रुमं बिना।
Though the gemstones of mineral origin are eternal, the Exception is Mukta (pearl) which has a limited lifespan, and also Vidruma- coral. After a few years, it grows old and eventually loses its character, but other gemstones are eternal, but they also need to be maintained and revitalization of them is necessary to get maximum benefits.
आयु- कुछ समय पश्चात् काल प्रभाव से प्रवाल, मुक्ता खराब हो जाते है। किन्तु अन्य रत्नों पर काल का प्रभाव नहीं होता है।
Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar) Aayu after Dharana (Lifespan of Tourmaline after assumption)
It is believed by scholars that the following gemstones have effectiveness Diamond life span is 10 years, Ruby/ Manik’s 12 years, Yellow Sapphire/ Pukhraj’s lifespan is 15 years, Blue Sapphire/ Neelam’s life span is 15 years, Emerald/ Panna’s life is 12 years, Coral, Hessonite Garnet and Cat’s Eye’s lifespan is 3 to 5 years, Natural Pearl life span is 12 years.
All the other Uparatnas and other semi-precious alternate gemstones are said to have a lifespan of 3 years.
Over some time, when gemstones i.e. precious and semi-precious stones are worn these gems start to get scratches on their surface, and even start losing their high polishing due to which sun rays stop passing through the gems (Ratna) When these precious gems are wear for a long period a greasy layer starts to deposit on their surface which is probably a mixture of lubricants, oils and other materials that a wearer come in contact with it. As the deposition starts to get thicker with time, it even blocks the rays (different wavelengths) that these stones receive from the planets to give effect. Although gemstones are forever yes their effectiveness for astrological purposes falls and therefore proper and regular maintenance is important.
Therefore, we can consider the life span of Vaikranta (Tourmaline) semi-precious stone to be 3 years.
Occurrence or Places of Availability of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
It is available in South Africa, Peru, Mexico, Canada, Thailand, Norway, Germany, UK. In India, Vaikrant is mainly found in Gujrat and Rajasthan.
This is available around the Vindhya Mountain range, Himalayan range, Chattisgarh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. Some believe that the smaller pieces of fluorspar, after many years, turn into diamonds. This is evident by the availability of such pieces in Karur of Anantapur district, Paritala of Krishna district, and Acchampeta of Guntur district. Paritala is famous for diamonds. Even today people search for pieces of diamond at the onset of the rainy season and most of them come back with pieces of flour. India produces an average of three thousand and odd tonnes of flour per annum. Vaikrant is to be mined after worshipping Bhairava and Vinayaka.
भारत, ब्राज़ील, श्री लंका, रूस, कैलिफ़ोर्निया आद। भारत की हीरा की खानो में वैक्रान्त मिलता है |
यह विंध्य पर्वत श्रृंखला, हिमालय श्रृंखला, छत्तीसगढ़, राजस्थान, गुजरात और आंध्र प्रदेश के आसपास उपलब्ध है। कुछ लोगों का मानना है कि फ्लोरस्पार के छोटे टुकड़े कई वर्षों के बाद हीरे में बदल जाते हैं। यह अनंतपुर जिले के करूर, कृष्णा जिले के परिताला और गुंटूर जिले के अचम्पेटा में ऐसे टुकड़ों की उपलब्धता से स्पष्ट है। परितला हीरों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। आज भी लोग बरसात का मौसम शुरू होते ही हीरे के टुकड़े खोजते हैं और उनमें से ज्यादातर लोग फ्लोरस्पार के टुकड़े लेकर वापस आते हैं। भारत में प्रति वर्ष औसतन तीन हजार टन फ्लोरस्पार का उत्पादन होता है। वैक्रांत का खनन भैरव और विनायक की पूजा के बाद किया जाना चाहिए।
विन्धस्य दक्षिणो भागे हय उत्तर वा अपि सर्वत: । (Rasa Grantha)विंध्य की दक्षिण भाग एवं उत्तर में सर्वत्र मुख्यत: कश्मीर, झारखण्ड, नेपाल, पंजाब, राजस्थान, वर्मा, उत्तरी अमेरिका की कैलोफोर्निया, ब्राज़ील एवं सोवियत रूस में मिलता है। झारखण्ड में अभ्रक की खानो से एवं वर्मा में माणिक्य की खानो से वैक्रान्त मिलता है।
Necessity of Purification of Jeerna Vajraka Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
Reference: Ayurveda Parkasha. 5/ 168
अशुद्धौ वज्र वैक्रान्तो किलासं दाह सन्तितं।
पार्श्व पीड़ा तथा पाण्डु कुरुतस्तौ विशोध्येत।।
Administration of Asuddha Vajra or Vaikranta Bhasma causes diseases such as Kilasa Roga, Daha (burning sensation in the body), Parsvapida (pain in the flanks) and Pandu Roga (anemia). Therefore, Vajra’ or Vaikranta has to be properly purified before they are incinerated and administered.अशुद्ध वज्र या वैक्रांत भस्म के सेवन से किलास रोग, दाह (शरीर में जलन), पार्श्व पीड़ा (पार्श्व में दर्द) और पांडु रोग (एनीमिया) जैसी बीमारियाँ होती हैं। इसलिए, वज्र या वैक्रांत को भस्म करने और प्रशासित करने से पहले उन्हें ठीक से शुद्ध किया जाना चाहिए।
Purification of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
First Method of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta Shodhana
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 162
वैक्रान्तं पोटली संसथम कदली कंदज द्रवे: ।
दोला यंत्रे परिस्विन्नं यामै केन विशुध्यति।।
The roughly pounded Ashuddha Vaikranta is tied in a Pottali, hung in Dolayantra and subjected for 3 hours (one Yama) of Swedana by keeping Kadali Kanda Swarasa as liquid media. Later the drug is washed, dried and stored in an airtight container as Vuddha Vaikranta for further pharmaceutical use.
मोटे तौर पर कुचले गए अशुद्ध वैक्रांत को एक पोट्टली में बांधा जाता है, दोला यंत्र में लटकाया जाता है और कदली कांडा स्वरस को तरल मीडिया के रूप में रखकर 3 घंटे (एक यम) स्वेदन के अधीन किया जाता है। बाद में दवा को धोया जाता है, सुखाया जाता है और आगे के फार्मास्युटिकल उपयोग के लिए वुद्ध वैक्रांत के रूप में एक एयरटाइट कंटेनर में संग्रहीत किया जाता है।
Second Method of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta Shodhana
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 161
वैक्रान्त सपटु क्षार: कुलथ क्वाथ योगत: ।
दोला यंत्रे परि स्विन्न: शुद्धिम आप्नोति यामत:।।
The roughly pounded Asuddha Vaikranta is tied in a Pottali along with equal quantities of Saindhava Lavana and yavaksara. It is hung in Dola Yantra and subjected for 3 hours (one Yama) of Swedana by keeping Kulattha Kwatha as liquid media. Later the drug is washed, dried, and stored in an airtight container as Suddha Vaikranta for further pharmaceutical use.
मोटे तौर पर कूटे हुए अशुद्ध वैक्रांत को समान मात्रा में सैंधव लवण और यवक्षार के साथ एक पोट्टली में बांधा जाता है। इसे दोला यंत्र में लटकाया जाता है और कुलत्थ क्वाथ को तरल माध्यम के रूप में रखकर 3 घंटे (एक यम) तक स्वेदन किया जाता है। बाद में दवा को धोया जाता है, सुखाया जाता है और आगे के फार्मास्युटिकल उपयोग के लिए शुद्ध वैक्रांता के रूप में एक एयरटाइट कंटेनर में संग्रहीत किया जाता है।
Third Method of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta Shodhana
Reference: Rasa Ratna Sammuchya. 2/ 66
कुलत्थ क्वाथ स स्विन्नो वैक्रान्त: परिशुद्ध्यति।।
The roughly pounded Asuddha Vaikranta is tied in a Pottali, hung in Dola yantra and subjected for 3 hours (one yama) of Swedana by keeping Kulattha Kwatha as liquid media. Later the drug is washed, dried and stored in an airtight container as Suddha Vaikranta for further pharmaceutical use.
मोटे तौर पर कुचले हुए अशुद्ध वैक्रांत को एक पोट्टली में बांधा जाता है, दोला यंत्र में लटकाया जाता है और कुलत्थ क्वाथ को तरल मीडिया के रूप में रखकर 3 घंटे (एक यम) स्वेदन के अधीन किया जाता है। बाद में दवा को धोया जाता है, सुखाया जाता है और आगे के फार्मास्युटिकल उपयोग के लिए शुद्ध वैक्रांता के रूप में एक एयरटाइट कंटेनर में संग्रहीत किया जाता है।
Fourth Method of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta Shodhana
Reference: Rasendra Chintamani. 7/ 63
हय मूत्रें तत सेचयं तप्तं तप्तं त्रि सप्तधा।।
Asuddha Vaikranta is heated red hot and dipped in Haya Mutra (horse urine). This process of heating and dipping is repeated 21 times to obtain Vaikranta purification. Later the drug is washed, dried and stored in an airtight container as Shuddha Vaikranta for further pharmaceutical use.अशुद्ध वैक्रांत को लाल गर्म करके हय मुद्रा (घोड़े के मूत्र) में डुबोया जाता है। वैक्रांत को शुद्ध करने के लिए गर्म करने और डुबाने की यह प्रक्रिया 21 बार दोहराई जाती है। बाद में दवा को धोया जाता है, सुखाया जाता है और आगे के फार्मास्युटिकल उपयोग के लिए शुद्ध वैक्रांता के रूप में एक एयरटाइट कंटेनर में संग्रहीत किया जाता है।
Incineration of Jeerna Vajraka/ Vaikranta/ Vikranta/ Kuvajra (Tourmaline/ Flour spar)
First method of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta Marana
Reference: Rasa Ratna Sammuchya. 2/ 67
म्रियते अष्ट पुट्टै गंध निम्बुक द्रव संयुत्त:।
The required quantity of Suddha Vaikrnta is taken in a clean Khalva Yantra. It is added with an equal quantity of Suddha Gandhaka and triturated to obtain a homogenous mixture. This mixture is added with the required quantity of Nimbu Swarasa, triturated thoroughly, and later dried under hot sun. The dry powder obtained is enclosed in Sarava samputa and subjected for one Gajaputa. This entire process is repeated eight times to obtain appropriately prepared, red-colored vaikranta Bhasma.
शुद्ध वैक्रांत की आवश्यक मात्रा एक स्वच्छ खल्व यंत्र में ली जाती है। एक समरूप मिश्रण प्राप्त करने के लिए इसे समान मात्रा में शुद्ध गंधक के साथ मिलाया जाता है और पीसा जाता है। इस मिश्रण में आवश्यक मात्रा में निम्बू स्वरस मिलाया जाता है, अच्छी तरह से मसला जाता है और बाद में तेज धूप में सुखाया जाता है। प्राप्त सूखे पाउडर को सारावा संपुटा में संलग्न किया जाता है और एक गजपुटा के अधीन किया जाता है। उचित रूप से तैयार, लाल रंग की वैक्रांत भस्म प्राप्त करने के लिए इस पूरी प्रक्रिया को आठ बार दोहराया जाता है।
Second Method of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta Marana
Reference: Rasa Ratna Sammuchya. 2/ 67- 68
वैक्रान्तेषु च तप्तेषु हय मूत्रम विनिक्षपेत।
पौन: पुण्यें वा कुर्याद द्रव्म दत्वा पुट्तम त्वनु।।
भस्मिभूतम तु वैक्रान्तं वज्र स्थाने नियोजयेत।।
Suddha Vaikranta is heated red hot and sprinkled with Haya Mutra’ (horse urine). This process is repeated more than once until the Vaikranta attains fine powder form. This powder is taken in Khalva Yantra, and triturated thoroughly with horse urine, Chakrikas are prepared, dried under the sun, and subjected to one Gajaputa. The entire process is repeated until appropriate lustre-free Vaikranta bhasma is obtained. The Bhasma can be used as a substitute for Vajra Bhasma.
शुद्ध वैक्रांत को लाल गर्म किया जाता है और हय मुत्र (घोड़े का मूत्र) के साथ छिड़का जाता है। इस प्रक्रिया को एक से अधिक बार दोहराया जाता है जब तक कि वैक्रांत बारीक पाउडर का रूप प्राप्त न कर ले। इस चूर्ण को खलव यंत्र में लिया जाता है, घोड़े के मूत्र के साथ अच्छी तरह से पीसा जाता है, चक्रिकाएँ तैयार की जाती हैं, धूप में सुखाया जाता है और एक गजपुटा के लिए रखा जाता है। पूरी प्रक्रिया तब तक दोहराई जाती है जब तक उचित चमक रहित वैक्रांत भस्म प्राप्त न हो जाए। भस्म का उपयोग वज्र भस्म के विकल्प के रूप में किया जा सकता है।
Third Method of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta Marana
Reference: Rasa Taringini. 23/ 163
विमल बलि विमिश्रम चूर्ण वज्रस्य चूर्णम समदरद समेतं निम्बू नीरेण पिष्टम।
द्विरद पुट स्माख्य तत पुट्टे सम्पुटस्थं वसु मितं पुट पक्वं पंन्चता याति नूनं।।
The required quantity of Suddha Vaikrant is taken in a clean Khalva Yantra. It is added with equal quantities of Suddha Hingula and Suddha Gandhaka and triturated to obtain a homogenous mixture. This mixture is added with the required quantity of Nimbu Swarasa, triturated thoroughly, and later dried under hot sun. The dry powder obtained is enclosed in Sarava Samputa and subjected to one Gajaputa. This entire process is repeated eight times. After the 8th Gajaputa when the Samputa is cool on its own, the medicine inside is collected and stored in a suitable airtight container as Vaikranta Bhasma.
शुद्ध वैक्रांत की आवश्यक मात्रा एक स्वच्छ खल्व यंत्र में ली जाती है। इसमें शुद्ध हिंगुला और शुद्ध गंधक को समान मात्रा में मिलाया जाता है और एक समरूप मिश्रण प्राप्त करने के लिए इसे पीसा जाता है। इस मिश्रण में आवश्यक मात्रा में निम्बू स्वरस मिलाया जाता है, अच्छी तरह से मसला जाता है और बाद में तेज धूप में सुखाया जाता है। प्राप्त सूखा पाउडर सारावा संपुटा में संलग्न है और एक गजपुटा के अधीन है। यह पूरी प्रक्रिया आठ बार दोहराई जाती है। 8वें गजपुटा के बाद जब सम्पुट अपने आप ठंडा हो जाता है, तो उसके अंदर मौजूद दवा को एकत्र किया जाता है और वैक्रांत भस्म के रूप में उपयुक्त वायुरोधी कंटेनर में संग्रहित किया जाता है।
Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar) Properties: (Bhasma / Incineration)
Reference: Rasa Ratna Sammuchya. 2/ 54- 55, 62
आयुप्रदश्च बल वर्ण करो अतिवृष्य प्रज्ञा प्रद: सकल दोष दाप हारी।
दीप्त अग्नि कृतप विस्मान गुण स तरस्वी वैक्रांतक: खलु वपु बल लोहकारी।
रसायनेषु सर्वेषु पूर्व गण्य: प्रतापवान।
वज्र स्थाने नियोक्तव्य वैक्रान्त: सर्व दोषहा।।
वैक्रान्तो वज्र सदृशो देह लोहकरो मत:।
विषघ्नो रस राजश्च ज्वर कुष्ठ क्षय प्रणुत।।
वैक्रान्त की भस्म आयु, बल, वर्ण, बुद्धि वर्धक, अत्यंत वृष्य, त्रिदोष से उत्पन सर्व व्याधि नाशक, जठर अग्नि वर्धक , हीरे के समान गुण वाली तथा शरीर को लोहे के सामान मजबूत बनाने वाली होती है। सभी रसायनो में आग्र्य, प्रभावशाली , सर्व दोष शामक, वज्र भस्म के स्थान पर प्रयोग करने योग्य होती है। वज्र सदृश देह सिद्धि, लोह सिद्धि दायक विष, ज्वर, कुष्ठ, क्षय नाशक, एवं सम्पूर्ण रसो में श्रेष्ठ है।
Vaikrant’s ash increases age, strength, complexion, and intelligence, is extremely auspicious, is a destroyer of all diseases arising from Tridosha, increases gastric fire, has properties like diamond, and makes the body as strong as iron. Among all the chemicals, Agrya is effective, quenches all the defects, and can be used in place of Vajra Bhasma. It is like a thunderbolt, gives body improvement, iron improvement, poison, destroyer of fever, leprosy, tuberculosis, and is best among all the juices.
Reference: Ayurved Parkash. 5/ 167
वैक्रान्तस्तु त्रिदोशघ्न: षड रसो देह दार्य कृत।
पाण्डु उदर ज्वर श्वास खास क्षय प्रमेह नुत।।
Properly prepared Vaikranta Bhasma mitigates all the three vitiated Dosha. It possesses all the six Rasa. Its judicious administration provides physical strength and makes the body sturdy and healthy. It cures Pandu Roga, Udara Roga, Jirna jwara, Nava Jwara, Swasa, Kasa, Kshya Roga and Parmeha Roga.
उचित रूप से तैयार की गई वैक्रांत भस्म तीनों दोषों को शांत करती है। इसमें सभी छह रस विद्यमान हैं। इसका विवेकपूर्ण प्रशासन शारीरिक शक्ति प्रदान करता है और शरीर को मजबूत और स्वस्थ बनाता है। यह पांडु रोग, उदार रोग, जीर्ण ज्वर, नव ज्वर, स्वसा, कासा, क्षय रोग और परमेह रोग को ठीक करता है।
Vaikranta Rasayana
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 13/ 171- 175
सुअमृतं खलु वैक्रान्तं…………………. यान्ति शान्ति तु निश्चितं।।
400 मिलीग्राम वैक्रांत भस्म, 10 ग्राम अभ्रक सत्व भस्म और 5 ग्राम रसभस्म को शाल्मली (बॉम्बैक्स मालाबारिकम) की जड़ के रस में पीसकर 100 मिलीग्राम की गोलियां बना लें। शक्ति, पौरुष और शरीर के रंग को निखारने के लिए प्रतिदिन गोली की एक खुराक शहद और घी के साथ प्रयोग की जाती है। नपुंसकता दूर करने में इसके जैसा कोई नहीं है तथा यह उन रोगों को भी ठीक कर देता है जिनका इलाज अन्य औषधियों से नहीं हो सकता।
400 mg. of Vaikranta Bhasma, 10 gms of Abhraka Satva Bhasma and 5 gms of Rasa Bhasma are ground in the juice of the root of Salmali (Bombax malabaricum), made into pills of 100 mg. Each, which is used in the dose of I pill a day along with honey and ghee to beget strength, virility, color of the body. There is no match for this in alleviation of impotency and also this cures diseases which cannot be treated with other medicines.
Reference: Rasa Trangini. 23/ 176- 181
वैक्रान्तकं तु सुअमृतं…………………………. नाशय अत्याशु निश्चितं।।
800 मिलीग्राम वैक्रांत भस्म, 200 मिलीग्राम सुवर्ण भस्म और 20 ग्राम रस सिंदुर को शाल्मली (बॉम्बैक्स-मालाबारिकम) की जड़ों के रस के साथ पीसकर 100 मिलीग्राम की गोलियां बना ली जाती हैं। बुढ़ापा, सेवन, नपुंसकता, ठंड लगना, खांसी, सांस फूलना, बवासीर, भूख न लगना, संग्रहणी, रक्ताल्पता, पीलिया आदि को ठीक करने के लिए इसे काली मिर्च, घी और पिप्पली के साथ प्रतिदिन 1 गोली से 2 गोली तक लगातार 60 दिनों तक उपयोग किया जाता है।
800 mg. of Vaikranta Bhasma, 200 mg of Suvarna Bhasma and 20 gm of Rasa Sindura are ground along with juice of the roots of Shalmali (Bombax-Malabaricum) and made into pills-each of 100mg. This is used along with black-pepper, ghee and long pepper, 1 pill to 2 pills a day for 60 days continuously to cure senility, consumption, impotency, frigidity, cough, dyspnoea, piles, loss of appetite, sprue, anemia, jaundice etc.
Dravana of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar) or Liquefaction of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
Reference: Rasa Ratna Sammuchya. 4/ 73- 74
श्वेत वर्णम तु वैक्रान्तं अम्लवेतस भावितं।
सप्ताह पात्रं संदेह खर घरमे द्रवत्यलम।।
केतकी स्वरसं ग्राह्यं सैन्धवं स्वर्ण पुष्पिका।
इंद्र गोपक्म संयुक्तं सर्वे भांडे विनिक्षपेत।।
सफेद वैक्रान्त को अम्लवेतस की भावना देकर खूब तेज धुप में सुखाएं। इस प्रकार सात दिन भावना देकर सात दिन धुप में सुखाने से वैक्रान्त द्रव रूप हो जाता है। केतकी का स्वरस, सैंधव नमक, सत्यानाशी, कटेरी और इंद्रगोप इन सबका का मिलकर कल्क बना कर एक बर्तन में भरकर दोला यन्त्र विद्धि से सात दिन पकाने से वैक्रान्त की उत्तम दृश्य बन जाती है।
Liquefaction or drutikarana is an advanced procedure in Rasa Shastra. A difficult process- if achieved, it provides a great amount of Siddhi (attain-ment). Drutayoh naive siddhyanti vina sambhuprasadena. (Liquefaction cannot be achieved without the blessings of Lord Siva). The juice of Ketaki (Pandanus odotissimus) rock-salt, Brahmadandi (Argemon mexicana), and the Indragopa insect (the red insect that appears after first rains) are made into a bolus, amidst which vaikranta is kept and a poultice is tied and suspended in sour gruel or other sour liquids and boiled for one week to obtain liquified Vaikranta.
Satvapattan of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar) or Extract of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
Reference: Ayurveda Parkash. 5/ 71
सत्त्वपातें योगेन मर्दितश्च वटीकृत: ।
मूषास्थो घटिका धमातो वैक्रान्त: सत्त्वम उत्त्सृजेत।।
शुद्ध वैक्रान्त को वहन करके सत्व पातन वर्ग के द्रव्यों जो की गुड़, गुग्गुलु, गुंजा, घृत, मधु, टंकण है , उनके साथ मर्दन करके चक्रिका बनाकर मूषा में रखे और संधि बंधन कर धमन करे अर्थात ब्लोअर से धोंके तो वैक्रान्त का श्वेत वर्ण का सत्व निकलता है।
The required quantity of Suddha Vaikranta is taken in a clean Khalva Yantra. It is added with the required quantity of Sattva pattan Yoga i.e. Mitra Panchaka and triturated thoroughly to prepare Chakrika of desired sizes. The Chakrika are dried under the sun, enclosed in a suitable crucible, and subjected to three hours of intense heat with the help of a blower to extract white-colored aluminum metal as Sattva of Vaikranta.
Dosage and Usage of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
Reference: Rasa Tarangini. 23/ 170
तत्वांशतो रक्तिकाया रुद्रांश प्रमितं मृतं।
वैक्रान्तकं प्रायुज्जितं बल काल आद्य अपेक्षया।।
1/ 24 Ratti to 1/ 11 Ratti i.e. approximately 5 to 11 mgs are the general dosage of the Vaikranta Bhasma. However, the dosage of the Vaikranta has to be finalized after thorough consideration of all the relevant factors that affect the dosage like Atura Bala, Vyadhi Bala, etc.
वैक्रान्त भस्म की सेवन मात्रा १ राति के २४वाँ भाग या १ रत्ती के ११वां भाग रोगी के बला बल और काल का ज्ञान क्र प्रयोग करना चाहिए। आज कल १/ २ से १ रत्ती (६०- १२५ मि ग्राम ) तक इसका प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Anupana (Adjuvant / Vehicle) for Use of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour spar)
Honey, butter, or any other suitable medicine.
अनुपान- मधु, घृत |
Important Formulations of Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
- Kandarp Rasa
- Kanchan Aabhr Rasa
- Triloka Chintamani Rasa
- Apurva Malini Vasant Rasa
- Kaant Rasayana
- Kinnar Rasa
- Jaya Sundar Rasa
- Jyotishman Rasa
- NavaRatna Raaj Mrigaank Rasa
- Neel Kanth Rasa
- Maha Rajat Vati
- Mutra Kricchant Rasa
- Ratnakaarnd Rasa
- RatnaGiri rasa
- Ratna Prabha Vati
- Ratna Bhagottara Rasa
- Ratnakar Rasa for Hridya roga
- Ratneshwar Rasa
- Vardhmaan Rasa
- Vasant Kusumakar Rasa
- Vishweshwara Rasa
- Suchika Bharana Rasa
- Swarn Sindur Rasa
Specific Preparation Containing Vaikrant Bhasma
- Vijya Parpati
- Vaikranta Rasayana
- Ratnaprabha Vati
- Kanchnara Rasa
- Suchika Bharana Rasa
- Apurvamalini Vasanta Rasa
Recent Research on Jeerna Vajraka / Vaikranta / Vikranta / Kuvajra (Tourmaline / Flour Spar)
- Kim, Eun-Ae. (2007). Effects of Tourmaline Gemstone Therapy on Dysmenorrhea and Painful Menstruation in Middle School Girls – Preliminary study -. Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of tourmaline Gemstone therapy on dysmenorrhea and painful menstruation in middle school female students. Method: This study employed a one-group pretest-posttest design. Data was collected from 15 subjects from September 1 to November 31, 2005. Tourmaline Gemstone therapy was provided once during a peak time of dysmenorrhea and painful menstruation. The instruments used were modified Moos’s MDQ (Menstrual Distress Questionnaire) tool and VAS. Data was analyzed with the use of SPSS. Result: There was a statistically significant difference in dysmenorrhea (t= 5.50, p=.000) and painful menstruation (t= 6.49, p= .000) after the intervention with tourmaline gemstone therapy. Conclusion: Tourmaline Gemstone therapy using Tourmaline Gemstone therapy has a positive effect on decreasing dysmenorrhea and painful menstruation.
- Sharma, V & Singh, R & Ulabhaje, A.V. & Sen, S. (1982). “Studies on identification of ‘vaikranta’ used in ayurveda”. Ancient science of life. 1. 146- 54.
- Hranush, H & Arakelyan, Hayk. (2020). Black Tourmaline and Health.
- Mottana, Annibale. (2014). Galileo as Gemmologist: The First Attempt in Europe at Scientifically Testing Gemstones. The Journal of Gemmology. 34. 24- 31. 10. 15506/ JoG. 2014. 34. 1. 24.
- Sun, X.- J & Zhong, K.- J & Zhu, X.- Q & Xie, L.-Y & Liu, B. & Huang, F. & Li, J. (2010). Application of tourmaline composite materials to reduce tar and other harmful components in cigarettes. Chung-kuo Tsao Chih/China Pulp and Paper. 29. 17- 20.
- Romero, Diana. (2016). Hematological cancer: TOURMALINE — new gem unearthed in the MM treatment landscape. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. 13. 10. 1038/ nrclinonc. 2016. 84.
- Pezzotta, Federico & Laurs, Brendan. (2011). Tourmaline: The Kaleidoscopic Gemstone. Elements. 7. 333- 338. 10. 2113/elements. 7. 5. 333.
- Tripathi, R & Rathore, A & Mehra, B L & Raghubir, Ram. (2013). Physico-chemical study of Vaikranta bhasma. Ancient science of life. 32. 199- 204. 10. 4103/ 0257-7941. 131971.
- Tripathi, R. (2013). Exploring the concept of Vrishya property of Vaikranta Bhasma. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy. 4. 443- 446. 10. 7897/ 2277- 4343. 04327. Nowadays, we live in an increasingly hostile environment. During the past 50 years, there has been a decline in the concentration, motility, and percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa in fertile men independent of age. Sushruta has defined vajikarana tantra as a branch that deals with the management of defective semen and spermatogenesis along with sexual intensification. Many ancient scholars have described the vaikrant bhasma as vrishya, rasayana, balya, and kshayanashaka. Elemental analysis of vaikranta bhasma showed that it contained Fe, Si, S, Ca, Mg, Al, and B in different proportions. These elements have a very positive effect on semen parameters. Vaikranta bhasma is a potent Vrishya drug according to Ayurvedic parameters.
- Santos APR, Silva LZ, Freire BM, da Silva Faria MC, Batista BL, Rocha BA, Barbosa F Jr, Rodrigues JL. Artisanal Gem Mining in Brazil: A Source of Genotoxicity and Exposure to Toxic Elements. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2023 Jan 31; 20 (3): 2510. doi: 10. 3390/ ijerph- 20032510. PMID: 36767878; PMCID: PMC- 9916162.
- Murthy, S. R. N. (1991). Role of gems in Indian medicine. Ancient science of life. 10. 156- 64.
- Sudarshan, Ambika & Semwal, Neha & Hussain, Gazala. (2021). A REVIEW ON MAHARASA DRAVYA AS HRUDYA. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 10. 1631- 1639. 10. 20959/ wjpr- 20214- 20197.
- Byerly GR, Palmer MR. Tourmaline mineralization in the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa: early Archean metasomatism by evaporite-derived boron. Contrib Mineral Petrol. 1991 May; 107 (3): 387- 402. doi: 10. 1007/ BF00325106. PMID: 11542207.
- Baksheev, Ivan & Prokof’ev, Vsevolod & Zaraisky, Georgii & Chitalin, A. & Yapaskurt, Vasilii & Nikolaev, Yuri & Tikhomirov, Petr & Nagornaya, Ekaterina & Rogacheva, Lubov & Gorelikova, N. & Kononov, Oleg. (2012). Tourmaline as a prospecting guide for the porphyry-style deposits. European Journal of Mineralogy. 24. 957- 979. 10. 1127/ 0935- 1221/ 2012/ 0024- 2241.
- Jiang Y, Guo Y. Genesis and influencing factors of the color of chrysoprase. Sci Rep. 2021 May 11; 11 (1): 9939. doi: 10. 1038/ s41598- 021- 89406- x. PMID: 33976323; PMCID: PMC- 8113324.
- Huang, Sin-Yi & Yu, Chun & Liu, Po-Yuan & Yu, Yun-Hseng & Chen, Chien & Liu, Ching & Juang, Yaju. (2017). The characterization of tourmaline and its effects on plant growth. Sustinere: Journal of Environment and Sustainability. 1. 21- 32. 10. 22515/ sustinere. jes. v1i1. 7. The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of ACERALIVEN, a commercial tourmaline, and to test its effect on plant growth. According to our analysis, ACERALIVEN belongs to the Si- Al-Mg tourmaline structure. It contains some trace metals such as zirconium, potassium, and iron and can emit far-infrared energy in the emissivity of 0.829. Introducing the tourmaline into water changes the water to be more alkaline. Tourmaline also releases negative hydroxyl ions and dissolved oxygen creating what is called hydrogen water. Mung beans submerged with ACERALIVEN™ show a longer lifetime than without submerging the tourmaline. Additionally, tourmaline can promote plant growth by removing chlorine and releasing far infrared which is beneficial for plant metabolism.
- M. M. Akbarova, & Akhmedov, Bekjan. (2022). HEALING TOURMALINE. 1. 1600- 1605.
- Liu Yan. (2006). A colorimetric study of a tourmaline from Mozambique which shows a reverse alexandrite effect. The Journal of Gemmology. 30. 201- 206. 10. 15506/ JoG. 2006. 30. 3. 201.
- Simmons, William & B., Wm & Falster, Alexander & Laurs, Brendan. (2011). A survey of Mn-rich yellow tourmaline from worldwide localities and implications for the petrogenesis of granitic pegmatites. The Canadian Mineralogist. 49. 301- 309. 10. 3749/cannon. 49. 1. 301.
- Ahn, Yongkil & Seo, Jingyo & Park, Jongwan. (2013). Electronic and vibrational spectra of tourmaline – The impact of electron beam irradiation and heat treatment. Vibrational Spectroscopy. 65. 165– 175. 10. 1016/ j. vibspec. 2013. 01. 002. Irradiation and heat treatment were performed on tourmalines of various colors from Antandrokomby, Madagascar. The samples were irradiated with 10 MeV electrons to fluencies of 2 ×1017 cm−2 for 1 h and were heated at 550 °C for 3 h in air. Their electronic and vibrational spectra were investigated by UV–-vis, mid-infrared, and WD-XRF spectroscopy for comparison to pristine samples. Changes in the Mn3+ ions after irradiation resulted in darker pink tourmalines, which had absorption peaks at 390 and 520 nm. These samples became colorless after subsequent heat treatment. After irradiation, colorless, light blue, and yellow tourmalines displayed a new absorption band at 365 nm. Alteration of the stretching absorption bands and wavenumber after irradiation could be explained by the following reactions: OH− + e− beam irradiation → O− + H°, Mn2+ + e− beam irradiation → Mn3+ + e− andFe2+ + e− beam irradiation → Fe3+ + e−. Stretching vibration of the BO3 structure occurred at 1330 cm−1, while the SiO vibration absorption bands were assigned to around 1100 cm−1. Colorless, green, and yellow tourmalines showed high-intensity peaks around 3608 and 3505 cm−1 after irradiation. Pink and dark green tourmalines showed low-intensity peaks at 3605 and 3585 cm−1, respectively. The combination modes of stretching and bending in the range of 4600– 4300 cm−1 were split after irradiation and heat treatment, and different color changes occurred after irradiation.
- Taviad, Krushnakumar & Ruknuddin, Galib & Bedarkar, Prashant & Patgiri, BJ & Prajapati, Pradeep. (2014). Metal toxicity due to Ayurveda drugs – Facts and Myths.
- Simmons, William & Dirlam, Dona & Laurs, Brendan & Pezzotta, Federico. (2002). Liddicoatite Tourmaline From Anjanabonoina, Madagascar. Gems and Gemology. 38. 28- 53. 10. 5741/ GEMS. 38. 1. 28.
- Ishaque S, Saleem T, Qidwai W. Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding gemstone therapeutics in a selected adult population in Pakistan. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2009 Aug 26; 9: 32. doi: 10. 1186/ 1472- 6882- 9- 32. PMID: 19709426; PMCID: PMC- 2739841.
- Qiu, Shan & Ma, Fang & Wo, Yuan & Xu, Shanwen. (2011). Study on the biological effect of Tourmaline on the cell membrane of E. coli. Surface and Interface Analysis. 43. 1069 – 1073. 10. 1002/ sia. 3694. The biological effect of tourmaline on the cell membrane of E. coli by microcalorimetry, fluorescence polarization, ion analysis, and Fourier transform infrared was studied. It was observed that tourmaline of low concentration can promote the growth of the bacteria, while tourmaline of high concentration has inhibitory effects on E. coli. Fluorescence polarization has shown a significant decrease in membrane fluidity and the increase of permeability of cell membranes. The ion analysis result suggested that the absorbability of nutrition from the medium becomes easier. Thus, E. coli grew faster in the presence of tourmaline than the native. With a high concentration of tourmaline, however, the growth of E. coli was inhibited because the selective barrier of the cell membrane for the bacteria was seriously damaged. Besides, changes in the spectral profile of E. coli were observed, which has shown the damage of surface groups on the cell membrane, which is the molecular basis for the biological effect of tourmaline.
- Okrusch, Martin & Ertl, Andreas & Schuessler, Uli & Tillmanns, E. & Bratz, H. & Bank, H. (2016). Major- and trace-element composition of Paraíba-type Tourmaline from Brazil, Mozambique, and Nigeria. 35. 120- 139. 10. 15506/ JoG. 2016. 35. 2. 120.
- Pasetti, Lorenzo & Borromeo, Laura & Bersani, Danilo & Ando, Sergio & Schnellrath, Jurgen & Hennebois, Ugo & Karampelas, Stefanos. (2023). Identification of Some Gem Quality Blue to Green Li-Tourmalines. Minerals. 14. 44. 10. 3390/ min- 14010044. Due to their appealing colors, gem-quality tourmalines, particularly the blue to green Cu- and Mn-bearing Li-tourmalines known as the Paraíba type, have been of significant interest since their discovery at the end of the 1980s. At the same time, the demand for other similar colored tourmalines increased. Most Paraíba-type tourmalines belong to the elbaite species; however, liddicoatite gems can also be found. Recognizing and classifying various tourmaline species, especially these valued Paraíba-type tourmalines, are important for geologists, mineralogists, mineral collectors, and gemologists. This study explores the application of Raman spectroscopy in random crystal orientations to distinguish between the elbaite and liddicoatite tourmaline species. Raman spectra were collected from faceted blue to green Li-tourmalines alongside chemical analysis using EDXRF (Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence), UV-Vis-NIR (Ultraviolet-Visible-Near InfraRed Spectroscopy), and PL (Photoluminescence spectroscopy) to provide comprehensive characterization. The results show that Raman spectroscopy, particularly in the OH stretching region, is a useful tool for differentiating elbaite from liddicoatite, and this identification remains consistent regardless of crystal orientation. The fingerprint region in the Raman spectra, on the other hand, is orientation-dependent and can only differentiate the two species when detected in specific orientations. Furthermore, Paraíba-type tourmalines can be identified by visible-near infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy, although not by Raman spectroscopy.
- Cui, L., Guo, Y., Tang, J., & Yang, Y. (2023). Spectroscopy Characteristics and Color-Influencing Factors of Green Iron-Bearing Elbaite. Crystals, 13 (10), 1461. https:// doi. org/ 10. 3390/ cryst- 13101461
- Subasinghe CS, Ratnayake AS, Roser B, Sudesh M, Wijewardhana DU, Attanayake N, Pitawala J. Global distribution, genesis, exploitation, applications, production, and demand of industrial heavy minerals. Arab J Geosci. 2022; 15 (20): 1616. doi: 10. 1007/ s12517- 022- 10874- 0. Epub 2022 Oct 15. PMCID: PMC- 9568896.
- Soares, Dwight & Beurlen, Hartmut & Barreto, Sandra & Silva, Marcelo & Ferreira, Ana. (2008). Compositional variation of tourmaline-group minerals in the Borborema Pegmatite Province, northeastern Brazil. Canadian Mineralogist – CAN MINERALOG. 46. 1097- 1116. 10. 3749/ canmin. 46. 5. 1097. Various species of the tourmaline group are common accessory minerals in the Boqueirao, Capoeira, and Quintos Li- Be- Ta Nb- bearing, LCT-family, rare-element-class granitic pegmatites from the Borborema Pegmatite Province (BPP), northeastern Brazil. Tourmaline from the border and wall zones of the pegmatites is enriched in Mg and Fe, crystallizing as Mg-rich members of the dravite-schorl solid-solution series. Tourmaline from the intermediate zone is richer in Fe and Al+ Li, crystallizing as schorl. The Fe-Mg-free and Li-Al-rich elbaite is typical of the transition between the intermediate zone and the quartz core and of replacement pockets. The bright turquoise blue elbaite known as “Paraiba tourmaline” is produced in the Capoeira 2 and Quintos’s pegmatites and is distinguished by high Cu contents, up to 1.07 wt. % CuO. In other occurrences of the “Paraiba tourmaline” in the BPP, up to 2.37 wt. % CuO was reported. Differences in the geochemical evolution trend of tourmalines among the pegmatite bodies investigated (vacancy at the X site, Fe, Mg, Zn, Li, and F contents), suggest that they reached variable degrees of fractionation. This observation agrees with chemical data on white mica, feldspar, garnet, and gahnite, and therefore permits the use of tourmaline composition as an indicator of the degree of evolution of the hosting pegmatite. According to these data, “Paraiba tourmaline”-producing pegmatites share the following characteristics: 1) they are the most evolved pegmatites so far known in the BPP 2) they are hosted by quartzites or meta conglomerates (iron-poor host rocks) 3) they exhibit comb-textured dravite in the border zone (early saturation in tourmaline) and 4) the elastic “Paraiba tourmaline” is found in the most evolved parts of the pegmatites.
- Gopinath H, Manjula B, Karthikeyan K. Fragrance, Sunscreens, Botanicals, and Potential Allergens in Bestseller ‘Fairness’ Creams in the Indian Market: A Consumer Exposure Study. Indian J Dermatol. 2021 May-Jun; 66 (3): 279- 283. doi: 10. 4103/ ijd. IJD- 500- 19. PMID: 34446951; PMCID: PMC- 8375543.
- Zhang Y, Hu J. Robust Effects of Graphene Oxide on Polyurethane/Tourmaline Nanocomposite Fiber. Polymers (Basel). 2020 Dec 23- 13 (1): 16. doi: 10. 3390/ polym- 13010016. PMID: 33374588; PMCID: PMC- 7793061.
- Bhatt P, Kloock C, Comenzo R. Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma: A Review of Available Therapies and Clinical Scenarios Encountered in Myeloma Relapse. Curr Oncol. 2023 Feb 15; 30 (2): 2322- 2347. doi: 10. 3390/ curroncol- 30020179. PMID: 36826140; PMCID: PMC- 9954856.
- Olatunji, Akinade & Jimoh, Razak. (2018). Major Oxides Geochemistry of Tourmaline from Selected Gem-Mineral Deposits in Southwestern Nigeria. Asia Pacific Journal of Energy and Environment. 5. 53- 66. 10. 18034/ apjee. v5i2. 253.
- Beurlen, Hartmut & Moura, Odulio & Soares, Dwight & Silva, Marcelo & Rhede, Dieter. (2011). Geochemical and geological controls on the genesis of gem-quality “Paraíba Tourmaline” in granitic pegmatites from northeastern Brazil. Canadian Mineralogist. 49. 277- 300. 10. 3749/ canmin. 49. 1. 277.
- Ruknuddin, Galib & Yadav, Pramod & Kaushik, Shreshtha & Singh, Rohit & Prajapati, Pradeep. (2018). Safety Concerns on Ayurvedic Herbomineral Formulations—Myth or Reality? Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences. 3. 234- 241. 10. 5005/ jdras- 10059- 0055.
- Huy, Hoang & Nguyen, Hien & Chen, Xiang-Bai & Minh, Nguyen & Yang, In Sang. (2011). Raman Spectroscopy Study of Various Types of Tourmalines. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 42. 1442 – 1446. 10. 1002/ jrs. 2852. Both polarized and unpolarized Raman scattering studies of seven tourmalines from the Lucyen mines in Vietnam are presented. These tourmalines, according to their chemical compositions, can be classified into four groups: G1, liddicoatite; G2, elbaite; G3, uvite; and G4, feruvite. The Raman spectra were recorded in two spectral ranges, i.e. 150–1600 cm−1 and 3000–4000 cm−1. In the lower spectral range, which covers the metal ion-oxygen bond vibrations, all the observed A1 and E modes are identified. In the higher spectral range, we investigated the OH stretching vibrations and showed that all the observed OH stretching modes have the A1 character. In both spectral ranges, we found that the same group classification of tourmalines can be applied, and the grouping characterizations are consistent with the chemical composition results.
- Wang X, Guo Y. The impact of trace metal cations and absorbed water on the color transition of turquoise. R Soc Open Sci. 2021 Feb 3; 8 (2): 201110. doi: 10. 1098/ rsos. 201110. PMID: 33972843; PMCID: PMC- 8074670.
- Alexandre, Ganwa & Urs, Kloetzli & Tchakounte, Jacqueline & Eva, Klotzli & Ertl, Andreas & Bernard, Djom. (2022). Structural and Chemical Characteristic of Tourmaline, and Mineralogy of Associated Micas from Tourmaline Bearing Quartzite of Kombe II (Bafia Group, Central Africa Fold Belt); Implication on the Metamorphic Conditions. International Journal of Geosciences. 13. 882- 904. 10. 4236/ ijg. 2022. 1310044.
- Han, Jinsheng & Chen, Huayong & Xu, Haijun & Nadeau, Olivier & Xu, Chang. (2023). Identifying xenocrystic tourmaline in Himalayan leucogranites. American Mineralogist. 108. 1289- 1297. 10. 2138/ am- 2022- 8615.
- Henry, Darrell & Dutrow, Barb. (2021). Tourmaline crystallography, crystal chemistry, and nomenclature: current status. Natura. 111. 47- 48.
- Akhter, Javed & Ali, Mudasir & Hassan, Zohaib & Alam, Muhammad & Niloofar, Memoona & Rahim, Sabit. (2020). Gemmological Characteristics of Gemstone Varieties Found in the Pegmatite of Haramosh Area, Gilgit-Baltistan. International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology. 11. 1- 4. 10. 46660/jpeg. Vol11. Iss3. 2020. 481.
- Scarratt, Kenneth. (2009). The Potential for diffusing Copper into Tourmaline Preparation for initial experimentation.
- Chen, G. -J. (2014). Geological characteristics and genesis of the Nanping granitic pegmatite type Ta-Nb deposit, Fujian Province. Geological Bulletin of China. 33. 1550- 1561.
- Henry, Darrell & Dutrow, Barb. (2018). Tourmaline studies through time: Contributions to scientific advancements. Journal of Geosciences. 63. 77- 98. 10. 3190/ jgeosci. 255.
- Henry, Darrell & Dutrow, Barb. (2002). Metamorphic tourmaline and its petrologic applications. Boron: Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry. 503- 557.
- Rizzo, Floriana & Bosi, Ferdinando & Tempesta, Gioacchino & Agrosì, Giovanna. (2023). Compositional Variation and Crystal-Chemical Characterization of a Watermelon Variety of Tourmaline from Anjanabonoina, Central Madagascar. Crystals. 13. 10. 3390/ cryst- 13081290.
- Vereshchagin, Oleg & Kasatkin, Anatoly & Škoda, Radek. (2022). NEW DATA ON Bi-, Pb-BEARING AND Mn-RICH GEM TOURMALINE FROM THE MALKHAN PEGMATITE DISTRICT (TRANSBAIKALIA). Zapiski RMO (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society). CLI. 46- 57. 10. 31857/ S086960552- 2060077.
- Katsurada, Yusuke & Sun, Ziyin & Breeding, Christopher & Dutrow, Barb. (2019). Geographic Origin Determination of Paraiba Tourmaline. Gems & Gemology. 55. 10. 5741/ GEMS. 55. 4. 648.
- Williams, Jason. (2021). GAINING INSIGHTS INTO TOURMALINE MINERALS USING MACHINE LEARNING. 10. 13140/ RG. 2. 2. 32694. 37444.
- Androne, Delia & Buzgar, Nicolae & Dana Ortansa, Dorohoi & Kasper, Haino. (2009). Complex Investigation Data on Tourmaline from Granitic Pegmatites. Revista de Chimie -Bucharest- Original Edition-. 60. 356- 359. The mineral samples analyzed in this paper belong to the tourmaline group and were separated from granitic pegmatite specimens collected from the Contu-Negovanu area, in the Southern Carpathians (Romania). Tourmaline is a complex borosilicate of variable composition, including at least 12 recognized and hypothetical end-members of solid-solution series and a great number of varieties: schorl, dravite, elbaite, etc. Our investigations on tourmaline samples concern X-ray powder diffraction and optical measurements, as well as chemical analysis, using EMPA and X-ray fluorescence techniques. The X-ray powder diffraction data (lambda = 0.1518 nm) enabled the identification of the precise tourmaline endmembers as dravite-schorl and to a lesser extent foitite and uvite. Unit-cell parameters were also calculated using a computer program for lattice parameter refinement. The main refractive indices have been interferometrically determined using the monochromatic yellow radiation of a Na lamp (lambda = 589.3 nm). The obtained data were plotted on a determinative chart, confirming the chemical composition of the investigated samples. The bulk chemical analyses display normal figures for the main oxides, showing that the determined tourmaline compositions fall indeed within the dravite-schorl range, with lower amounts of foitite and uvite endmembers.
- Somma, Roberta & Paladini, Giuseppe & Sebastiano Ettore, Spoto & Caridi, Francesco & Crupi, Vincenza & Interdonato, Monica & Venuti, Valentina. (2023). Multi-technique characterization of colored gem tourmalines. 127- 131. 10. 21014/ tc4- ARC- 2022. 025.
- Bacik, Peter & Fridrichova, Jana & Stubna, Jan & Antal, Peter. (2015). Application of spectroscopic methods in mineralogical and gemological research of gem tourmalines. Acta Geologica Slovaca. 7. 1- 9.
- Koralay, Tamer & Jiang, Shao-Yong. (2013). Determination of Tourmaline Composition in Pegmatite from Buldan, Denizli (Western Anatolia, Turkey) Using XRD, XRF, and Confocal Raman Spectroscopy. Spectroscopy Letters. 46. 10. 1080/ 00387010. 2012. 760102. Tourmaline minerals observed in different geologic environments show significant variations in terms of chemical compositions. Determination of tourmaline species gives useful petrogenetic information about both igneous and metamorphic environments. Microscopic, XRD, XRF, and confocal Raman spectroscopic features of tourmaline segregations that are 2– 4 cm thick, dark blue to black, and mostly fractured occurring in the Buldan pegmatite are reported. Under the microscope, tourmaline samples show indigo blue, light blue, and olive-brown pleochroism with a thin long columnar, bladed shape. They exhibit distinctive enrichments in Fe2O3 (7.83– 10.16 wt %), V (245.0–591.0 ppm), Sn (70.1– 147.3 ppm), W (1076.0– 1887.0 ppm), U (1.2– 18.2 ppm), and Th (9.6–28.0 ppm). In terms of geochemistry, the tourmaline samples are schorl with Fe/ (Fe + Mg) ratios of 0.65– 0.74 and Na/ (Na + Ca) ratios of 0.88– 0.93. Five characteristic bands of tourmaline samples are observed at 1050, 710, 370, 220– 245, and 185 cm−1. Tourmaline segregations in the Buldan pegmatite are schorl in composition and are probably generated from Li-poor granitoids and their associated pegmatites.
- Wongpreedee, K. & Peerawat, Adiruj & Phichaikamjornwut, Bongkot & Bootkul, Duangkhae. (2017). Lost Wax Casting Conditions with Tourmaline In Situ. Key Engineering Materials. 737. 595- 598. 10. 4028/www. scientific. net/ KEM. 737. 595.
- Dutrow, Barb & Henry, Darrell. (2011). Tourmaline: A geologic DVD. Elements. 7. 301- 306. 10. 2113/elements. 7. 5. 301.
- Surour, Adel & Omar, Sayed. (2022). Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of tourmaline from the ancient Roman mines in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Environmental Earth Sciences. 81. 10. 1007/ s12665- 022- 10215- 0. Tourmaline occurrences are found in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, particularly in the Wadi El-Gemal area, which is the locality of famous beryl mines dating back to Roman times including the so-called “Cleopatra’s Emerald Mines”. The collected tourmaline occurs in beryl-rich pegmatites and quartz veins. Infrared data of tourmaline indicate that dravite from three localities (Wadi Sikait, Wadi Um Sleimat, and Wadi Um Addebbaa) can be distinguished based on the nature of the OH group and its vibrational bands. Also, reflectance spectra of fresh and altered dravite are distinguishable. Mineral inclusions (mostly hafnon zircon and REE-bearing apatite and monazite) in dravite affect the FTIR (Fourier transform infrared) spectra. Such spectra show the influence of cationic substitutions in dravite, particularly M²⁺at the X-site and M³⁺ at the Y-site. Spectrometric measurements suggest that radioelements in tourmaline are not considerably high, whereas high radioactivity is restricted to the pegmatite bodies away from the metasomatic front with the serpentinite country rocks.
- Aigbe, S. & Ewa, I. & Ogunleye, P. & Oladipo, Mark. (2012). Elemental characterization of some Nigerian gemstones: Tourmaline, fluorite, and topaz by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 295. 10. 1007/ s10967- 012- 1954- 0.
- Omotayo, Juliana & Ajilore, Oluwatoyin & Adeyemi, Temitayo. (2023). A Review of Gemstone Occurrences, Provenance, and Origins in Nigeria. Journal of Geology & Geophysics. 12. 10. 35248/ 2381- 8719. 23. 12. 1111.
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